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NYSYD Gives Back

Amid the heat and humidity of summer, Young Democrats around New York State have been rolling-up their sleeves in service to their community.

On July 17, the Dutchess County Young Democrats “adopted-a-spot” as part of the County’s Watershed Awareness Month. The project aims at informing the public of the role of watersheds and their importance to public health and safety. As part of the “Adopt-a-Spot” project, participants will experience watersheds as regular sources of drinking water, recreation, and natural beauty; all reasons why they must be protected and kept litter-free. Members of the Dutchess County Young Dems spent their Saturday clearing a local stream of materials hazardous to all aspects of the natural habitat.

Our partnership with the “Adopt-a-Spot” program is only one piece of NYSYD‘s commitment to our communities. Community service is obviously a non-partisan issue and demonstrates the notion that public service does not only mean being involved in the political process.

Continuing around our State, the Albany County Young Democrats,will be partnerng with the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York in a 3 day, area-wide food drive to assist local organizations and less-fortunate individuals in the fight to end hunger.

The Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York has been helping to feed the needy in our communities since 1982, serving 23 counties and providing over 20 million pounds of food to 1,000 agencies. On July 27-28, volunteers will distribute flyers a collection bags to communities around the Albany for locals to place non-perishable food items in the provided bags. On July 31, volunteers will collect the donated items, which will be left on the respective participant’s doorsteps. Those that are wishing to assist the Albany County Young Democrats or would like more information check out the listing of local YD events on our website.

During a time where so many have so few, it is extremely important to remember that in order to be effective leaders, we need to roll up our sleeves every once in a while. Our service to individual communities from Suffolk to Steuben and Erie to Essex can occur in the form of anything from a food drive or clean up to a letter writing campaign or rally. The ability to lead our State into the next generation is more than just being able to win an election, it is about standing for a cause and inspiring positive action that will connect everyone in every community. It will remain a priority of NYSYD to replicate events similar to those of Albany and Dutchess hoping to bring together neighborhoods for a cause greater than the stakes of any election.

José Peralta For New York State Senate!

For More Information On How You Can Help José Please Contact:
José Peralta For State Senate
77-15 37th Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
T: (718)205-5855

Jose Peralta’s Bio: (From

Assemblyman José Peralta’s life and work has been dominated by a deep commitment to our community and to the hard-working families of Queens.

For José, that commitment stems from his own life’s story. A first-generation Dominican-American, José’s parents came to the United States in search of the American dream and a better life for their children. His parents worked hard to sustain their family on the wages of entry-level positions: his father a bank teller and his mother a seamstress at a sweatshop. They struggled to ensure that their children received a quality education that would provide them with opportunities and would instill in them the value of public service.

José is a product of his parents’ sacrifice and has spent a lifetime working to ensure everyone in our community has the opportunity to succeed.

A proud graduate of Queens Public schools, including PS 14, IS 61 and Flushing High School, José was the first Latino Student Body President of Queens College.

After graduating, Peralta began a career giving back to the community he loves through public service. As a community liaison in the New York State Assembly, José worked to make government more accessible to the families of Queens, solving problems and helping people in need. He then served as the Director of the Commission on the Dignity for Immigrants at the New York City Central Labor Council, representing over 1.5 million union members. Under Peralta’s direction, the Commission championed the mission of empowering all immigrants in a variety of ways, including registering over 20,000 new citizens.

In 2002, at the age of 30, José Peralta was elected to the New York State Assembly. José has distinguished himself as a fighter for immigrants and working families, serving with honor and integrity. As the Chairman of the Banking Sub-Committee, José expanded the number of branches serving low-income communities. In addition, José secured millions to improve local schools, spearheaded Operation Impact to put more police on the streets, and brought in the Doe Fund to help keep the streets of the 39th Assembly District clean.

We Won’t Quit

Shortly after the President’s First State of the Union Address, NYSYD received the following email from the President on behalf of OFA….

Matthew —

I just finished delivering my first State of the Union, and I wanted to send you a quick note.

We face big and difficult challenges. Change on the scale we seek does not come easily. But I will never accept second place for the United States of America.

That is why I called for a robust jobs bill without delay. It’s why I proposed a small businesses tax credit, new investments in infrastructure, and pushed for climate legislation to create a clean energy economy.

It’s why we’re taking on big banks, reforming Wall Street, revitalizing our education system, increasing transparency — and finishing the job on health insurance reform.

It’s why I need your help — because I am determined to fight to defend the middle class, and special interest lobbyists will go all out to fight us.

Help me show that the American people are ready to join this fight for the middle class — add your name to a letter to Congress today:

We have finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But we don’t quit. I don’t quit.

Let’s seize this moment — to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more.

President Barack Obama

200 Million Dollars To Help During Rough Financial Times

By NYSYD Communications Director Jenni Royer

In this difficult financial time that has New York State government gripped in disagreement and disarray, there are few paths that lead out of the darkness.  Yes, there must be reform in many areas – especially in Medicaid which not only burdens the state, but many localities – especially county governments.

In the face of daunting fiscal challenges – governments usually only have two options: to raise taxes or to make cuts to programs and services.  Neither of these are attractive solutions during a major recession which has everyone feeling the pain.  There is however, a third option…

New York State needs to find new revenue sources.  While the natural gas boom is on hold due to the potential environmental dangers it could cause without expensive oversight – there is a new revenue stream which has been ignored by many elected officials.

This new revenue stream would not hurt anyone, well it might hurt some feelings of pundits, but nonetheless – it is not dangerous to the environment or to our finances.  It will make families stronger and safer despite the fear-based lies which have been sowed and it will help our state rebound by bringing in 1/6th of what the State Legislature cut in December of 2009.

What is this new revenue stream which would bring in around 200 million dollars to New York State and its local governments?

Marriage Equality!

Former New York City Comptroller Bill Thompson released a report in 2007 that showed that same sex marriage would bring in new revenue through taxes and fees of around 200 million dollars.  Since the state already recognizes same sex marriages performed in other states by Executive Order of the Governor – the state stands only to gain from allowing same sex marriage.  See the following figure from Former Comptroller Thompson’s report:


For too long have untrue and hate/fear-filled rhetoric have controlled the debate.  It has been shown in other states that allowing homosexuals to marry is not a slippery slope and it will not unravel both society and the law.  It is time to look straight at the logic of the situation.  Laws which do not recognize the relationships between certain members of our society detrimentally affect those citizens both in their need and right to belong within society, their pursuit of happiness and their need to lead healthy lives.  Marriage is the basis whereby families gain legitimacy and safety under the law.  When one is safe – one has the ability to flourish, to grow – to follow the American dream and be all that one can possibly be.

In this time of fiscal upheaval – we need families to feel safe.  We need them to feel safe enough to invest in new homes, in education for their children, in their ability to provide for their children and the person they love after they die.  In no way does this harm anyone – it can only bring forth benefits which have too long been ignored.  Marriage is a legal basis for fiscal stability.  It can only benefit our communities while it fiscally benefits our state and municipalities.  By allowing the thousands of same sex couples in our state the right to find legitimacy under the law in marriage – by giving our neighbors, our coworkers, our family and friends the rights which should be afforded to all citizens of our great nation – that is the first step towards turning the tide.

We need to mobilize young adults in this state to spread the knowledge that this is much more than just a civil rights issue; it is also a fiscally responsible move for the state.  We need to make sure that every elected official knows that financial stability is the basis of marriage and now, more than ever, we need every constituent in our state to feel financially stable.  Through allowing all people the right to marry, regardless of their sexual preference, we create a foundation to let all families in our state grow and flourish.  Together we can stand…or divided we can fall.

So with a $7 billion dollar budget deficit forecasted for next year, we need to find creative ways to raise money for our great state. Our plan will bring in at least $200 million dollars in new revenue. In these times of financial uncertainty how can we afford to pass up on this idea?

Link To Former NYC Comptroller Bill Thompson’s Report:

U.S. Senator Schumer On Health Care Reform Passage

Message From U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer On Health Care Reform Passage:
I hope I’m not bothering you by sending this message so close to the holidays, but I wanted to let you know the news right away: The Senate finally passed a health care reform bill this morning.

The bill is based on the agreement we reached last weekend, and the next step will be to combine it with the version the House passed so both chambers can vote on a final version.

As I’ve said, this bill is not perfect. A strong, level-playing-field public option would have done more to help keep costs down. But we’re going to stop the worst of the premium increases, impose tough new rules on the insurance companies, and extend coverage to millions.

That’s a pretty big achievement any way you look at it.

So thank you for your support this year. I’ll be in touch soon with more.

Happy holidays,
Chuck Schumer

State Senators Shirley Huntley & George Onorato On Marriage Equality

The New York State Young Democrats will continue to fight for Marriage Equality in New York State. As part of our ongoing campaign we will be providing our members with the opinions of our elected officials on this issue.

Today we have the statements from two of the Democratic State Senators who voted against Marriage Equality. We were very disappointed to see that both State Senator Shirley Huntley and State Senator George Onorato were on the wrong side of history, and we will remember this come 2010.


Statement From State Senator Shirley Huntley :

“I firmly believe that my vote against the Marriage Equality legislation reflects the wishes of the vast majority of my constituents. With that being said, I also firmly believe that any decision on Marriage Equality should, ultimately, be made by the people of New York State, not the Legislature .  I would fully support a referendum to allow the people of New York State to decide the issue”.

Statement From State Senator George Onorato:

“I deeply respect the views of the gay and lesbian community on same-sex marriage, although they are not my own, and I have appreciated the candid and most universally respectful dialogue we have had on this issue. Over the years, I have voted in favor of the Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act (SONDA), the hate crimes law, and other legislation of importance to the LGBT community, and I continue to support the Dignity for All Students Act and the Gender Identification Non Discrimination Act (GENDA). But on same-sex marriage, we must continue to agree to disagree”.