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2023 Call to Convention


Join us May 19-21, 2023 in Ulster County as we meet for training, networking, electing officers, and continuing to build the future of the New York State Young Democrats (NYSYD). This document is the official Call to Convention for the 2023 State Convention.

Convention Officers

The 2023 Convention Credentials Committee Chair is Seamus Campbell. The Rules Committee Chair Ismail Sharif. The Platform Committee Chair is Robert Drumm. The Convention Chair is Tyler White. The Convention Secretary is Seamus Campbell. The Convention Parliamentarian will be announced at a later date.

Chartering or Re-chartering


County chapter chartering packets will be distributed and made available electronically on or before January 25, 2023, and will be due for submission by electronic mail by no later than 11:59:59 PM EST on April 1, 2023.

Each county chapter that is chartering or rechartering must submit the following items to the Credentials Committee by emailing them to Chair Seamus Campbell at and copying as individual attachments on or before April 1, 2023:

  1. A roster listing all members within the county chapter and required data in accordance with Article II Section 1.1 and Article III, Section 5 of the NYSYD Constitution. The roster must include each member’s first name, last name, address, zip code, date of birth, and email address; the telephone number is optional but recommended. The roster must be sent in a spreadsheet format (e.g. Excel, Google Sheets). Any roster not sent in a spreadsheet format (i.e. as a PDF) and/or are missing the aforementioned fields will not be accepted.
  2. A scanned copy of the certification of the current highest-ranking officer (usually the County Chair) of the county chapter’s Democratic county committee
  3. A list of all current officers of the county chapter
  4. A copy of the county chapter’s Constitution and/or Bylaws
  5. A copy of the chapter’s Code of Ethics/Conduct
  6. A preliminary delegation list (each chapter will be entitled to 1 delegate for every 10 validated members)

Chapters who do not submit the aforementioned items in the required formats will have their applications rejected with the Credentials Committee informing said chapters of the errors. If the errors are not corrected and the amended application is not resubmitted by April 1, 2023, the application will be rejected.

In accordance with Article IV, Section 1, the chartering fee is $65 and $0.50 for each validated member. Chartering fees can be paid at or via check made out and sent to the name and address below. Chapters paying via ActBlue will need to add a 3.95% processing fee as instructed on the site. Chartering fees are due no later than 11:59:59 PM EST on April 19, 2023.

Should concerns arise within the Credentials Committee regarding the authenticity of documents submitted by county chapters, the Credentials Committee will be empowered to investigate, as necessary, by means including, but not limited to, contacting the county’s Democratic Committee leadership, and requesting copies of sign-in sheets from county chapter events.

All county chapter members over the age of 18 must be registered members of the Democratic Party, according to the New York State Board of Elections no later than April 1, 2023. It is recommended that any member of a chartering county chapter newly registering or re-registering to vote with the Democratic Party register at their county’s Board of Elections office and photograph a timestamped, submitted voter registration form should concerns arise by the Credentials Committee. Members who turn the age of 18 between April 1, 2023 and the final gavel of the convention shall be exempted from this clause. It will be to the chapters’ benefit to check the registration of their membership on the New York State Board of Elections website prior to submitting rosters to the Credentials Committee in order to mitigate the chances that members will not be stricken as ineligible to be charter members.

County chapter members who do not turn the age of 36 before the final gavel at the convention and will be at least the age of 16 before the first gavel at the convention will be eligible to be listed as charter members for a county chapter.


Pursuant to Article VII, Section 6, all caucus chairs (or their designees) shall submit the following to the Credentials Committee by emailing them to Chair Seamus Campbell at as individual attachments on or before April 1, 2023:

  1. A roster of at least 20 members which shall include the person’s first and last name, email address, date of birth, and county chapter
  2. A list of at least three events, either programming-based events where there is a discussion, training, networking, or other resource-based advancements for the members of the New York State Young Democrats which shall be open to everyone who is a member or general public per this Constitution excluding campaign activities; or action-based events, where there is support for a campaign or candidate, including, but not limited to, door-knocking, phone-banking, candidate fundraisers, or text-banks.
  3. A list of the dates of all quarterly caucus conference calls. For this clause, a caucus having at least one (1) conference call between May 2021 and May 2023 will be considered sufficient.
  4. A copy of the caucus’s most current bylaws

Should a caucus not submit the required items by April 1, 2023, the Credentials Committee will have no option but to designate the caucus as a “task force” and the Chair elected at the convention shall have no voting power in the next biennium.

The Credentials Committee shall review the materials submitted by the caucuses for review. The caucuses that do and do not meet the benchmark requirements (i.e. will remain a caucus or be designated a “task force”) as defined in Article VII, Section 6 shall be informed as such no later than April 15, 2023.

Delegates to the Convention

Preliminary delegation lists are due April 1, 2023. Final delegation lists are due May 1, 2023.

Each chartered county chapter shall receive one (1) delegate for every ten (10) validated members in its roster.

Delegates and alternate delegates must be members in good standing of the chapter they represent in accordance with Article III, Section 3 of the NYSYD Constitution. Proxies are permitted, and individuals may be empowered to act as proxies on behalf of delegates, so long as such individual’s name is submitted to the Convention Secretary prior to the commencement of voting.

No one person may hold more than 3 proxies, in accordance with Article III, Section 4 of the NYSYD Constitution.

All delegations are subject to the provisions of the vote cap as outlined in Article III, Section 6.1 of the NYSYD Constitution.

The Credentials Committee shall submit their final pre-convention report of eligible members, delegates, and alternates to chapters by April 20, 2023.

Executive Board Elections

All members of the New York State Young Democrats are invited to consider running for an officer position on the State Executive Board. Applications will be collected via Google Form. The link for applications will be distributed on or before January 25, 2023, by email, the NYSYD website, and NYSYD’s social media pages. Applications are due by 11:59:59 PM EST on April 15, 2023. All applications will be automatically time-stamped.

Pursuant to the constitution and bylaws, positions you may consider running for are:

President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, two National Committee Members, Regional Vice President (Capital, Central, Downstate, Hudson Valley, Northern, Southern Tier, and Western), and Legal Director (must be an attorney licensed to practice in the State of New York).

In addition, the following caucuses will hold elections: Disability Issues; Jewish; Labor; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ); Rural (YDR); Black; Hispanic; Asian & Pacific Islander (API); and Women. Only members of the aforementioned caucuses may vote in these elections. These positions are subject to the online application process, but candidates may also run from the floor.

Executive Board Election Procedures

All candidates must submit their applications via Google Form by 11:59:59 PM EST on or before April 19, 2023. However, if no candidate submits an application for a position by that date, applications to the Executive Board may choose to extend the deadline for those positions.

All Candidates shall have an opportunity to address the convention and answer any questions delegates may have prior to their election. All elections will be conducted by roll call vote by the Convention Secretary, by order of the Chair, with the delegation chair of each county chapter designating how many votes it will apportion to each candidate. Each candidate may only run for one position. In an election for a position involving one candidate, one must receive a majority of the votes cast otherwise the position will remain vacant. In an election for two candidates, one candidate must receive a majority of votes cast, a failure for either candidate to achieve a majority will result in a further round of debate and voting until a majority is reached. In an election for a position involving more than two candidates, one candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast, and if no candidate receives a majority. then the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be dropped from the ballot and the election will be rerun with the remaining candidates until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.

Neither write-in votes nor nominations from the convention floor will be accepted.

Following the conclusion of the convention, the newly elected officers will take their oaths of office and assume their positions.

Regional Vice President Board Election Procedures

Each region shall elect a Regional Vice President pursuant to the Constitution, Article III Section 3. Only individuals who are members in good standing of a chapter within the region shall be eligible to run for that region’s Vice President position. The elections for Regional Vice Presidents will occur in a manner and time identical to all other Executive Board positions, except only votes from the respective region will be counted for each regional election and vote caps will be applied accordingly.

Caucus Chair Election Procedures

All caucus elections shall happen in breakout rooms or in an announced designated area. No election may proceed until the Convention Secretary or Convention Chair are present as a witness. Once the presiding officer calls the caucus election to order, no new participants will be allowed to join. The presiding officer may not run for any position within the caucus or the Convention Secretary or Convention Chair will assume the role of presiding officer temporarily while elections take place.

Council of Presidents Chair Election Procedures

The Council of Presidents Chair election shall happen in a breakout room or designated area and only chartered chapter presidents or their proxies may attend. No election may proceed until the Convention Secretary calls the caucus election to order.

Constitutional Amendment Procedures

Any proposed amendments to the Constitution must be submitted electronically to the Rules Chair Ismail Sharif at and copy Any proposed amendments to the Constitution must be received by 11:59:59 pm EST on April 15, 2023. All proponents for a Constitutional Amendment shall be entitled to be heard by the Convention Rules Committee. Proposed amendments to the constitution must both articulate the specific provisions amended and the rationale for the amendment.

Convention Resolution Procedures

Any proposed resolutions to be passed by the convention must be submitted to the Credentials Committee Chair Seamus Campbell at and copy and must be received by 11:59:59 pm EST on April 15, 2023.

Policy Platform Procedures

Any proposed policy platform planks to be passed by the convention must be submitted to the Policy Committee Chair Robert Drumm at and copy and must be received by 11:59:59 pm EST on April 15, 2023.

Agenda and Programming

Pursuant to the NYSYD Bylaws Article V, the Planning Committee of the New York State Young Democrats shall be designated as the Convention Program Committee and shall be empowered to create the agenda and program of the convention in consultation with the convention officers and the NYSYD Executive Board. All programming, events, schedules, etc., as it is announced, will be shared on the NYSYD website and social media.

Key Dates

January 25, 2023

April 1, 2023

  • Chartering packets due
  • Proposed delegate lists due
  • Caucus re-chartering packets due

April 15, 2023

  • Constitution and Bylaws amendments due
  • Credentials Committee report due
  • Policy platform proposals due
  • Convention resolutions due

April 19, 2023

  • Executive Board applications due
  • Chartering fees due

May 1, 2023

  • Final delegate list due

May 19-21, 2023

  • Convention

Statement on Roe v. Wade Overturning

New York – (June 24, 2022) – When the first person dies from today’s decision that took away their right to control their own body, we should all remember the names Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, and John Roberts.

We will not forget.

This decision will not stop abortions from happening, they will only make them less safe.

The blood of those from these decisions will be on the hands of the conservative justices who voted in favor of overturning Roe V. Wade.

We will not forget.

“It is absurd that this SCOTUS believes a person’s uterus is more worthy of restriction than a handgun,” says NYSYD Executive Vice President, Tyler White. “To everyone who is feeling the weight of this decision, I empathize, I feel it too. It is heart-wrenching to hear that people believe your right to autonomy is anything other than unalienable. It’s hard to think of a path out right now, but we will walk that path to full personhood in the eyes of the law by overwhelmingly voting for and supporting those entities who believe in our right over our own bodies.”

New York, along with several other states have codified Roe, but this isn’t a state-by-state issue—it needs to be passed on the federal level. Congress must act now!

When we vote in our primaries and in the General Election, we will make sure to support those who will make the decision to protect a person’s right over their own body.

We will not forget.

When this decision is used to skirt any Americans’ privacy and have their rights stripped away, let us again remember Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, and John Roberts.

The six justices that have failed the American people.

What do we do now?

Be present and channel your energy from attending a rally near you behind pro-choice organizations in our state, such as the New York Abortion Access Fund

We have the privilege to be a reproductive health sanctuary in New York State and welcome you with open arms to act upon, what should be, your inalienable right of propriety over your own body. Sign up as a volunteer to help people traveling to New York for care stay with you via the Haven Coalition

If you know someone who lives in a state where their rights are at risk, encourage them to knock on doors & GOTV for pro-choice candidates. We can help remotely to work on GOTV outreach and volunteer for pro-choice organizations in their area. The resource pages for Planned Parenthood’s Bans Off Our Bodies and Abortion Access fund’s Bans Off NYC are a good place to

Let us mourn, scream, march today, and prepare for the fight that has once again arrived at our doorsteps. The fight continues.

We will not forget.

NYSYD Statement on Delgado

For Immediate Release

Contact Person: Jovan C. Richards, NYSYD President

New York – (May 3, 2022) – Governor Kathy Hochul has appointed Congressman Antonio Delgado as her Lieutenant Governor and the New York State Democratic Party has appointed him as the party’s nominee in the upcoming primary. The Congressman will serve for the remainder of the year and will run on the statewide ticket with Governor Hochul, Attorney General James, Comptroller DiNapoli, and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“Lieutenant Governor Delgado is a great choice and we congratulate him on his appointment. The Congressman has been a friend to young professionals, students, and the Young Democrats since he was elected to Congress. We happily invite the former Congressman to meet with us at his convenience, and we look forward to the opportunity of working together during his current and possibly future term of LG,” says Jovan C. Richards, President of the New York State Young Democrats.

Lieutenant Governor Delgado is an Afro-Latino, Rhodes scholar, dedicated family man, and the first person of color to represent the Hudson Valley and upstate New York in Congress. Delgado was first elected to Congress in 2018 and has served the 19th Congressional District since.

NYSYD Statement on Roe

For Immediate Release

Contact Person: Jovan C. Richards, NYSYD President

New York – (May 3, 2022) – If reports of the leaked Supreme Court Opinion draft obtained by Politico are true, the Supreme Court of the United States is aiming to overturn Roe v. Wade, which would eliminate the right to choose and decimate the ability to have safe and secure reproductive procedures in this country.

This decision will likely have seismic repercussions for not only reproductive healthcare but also the potential to overturn other decisions by the Supreme Court enshrining civil liberties not afforded by the United States Constitution.

The pending decision is just the latest example of the effects of a twice impeached former president, Senator McConnell, and the Republican Party’s blatant disrespect for democracy, and the health and safety of the American people. Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett sit in seats they have no right to occupy. Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Brett Kavanagh take away rights they have no business having an opinion on.

Despite this horrific decision, abortions will not stop! New York will continue to defend reproductive rights at all costs. Governor Kathy Hochul has promised that for anyone seeking access to care “our state will welcome you with open arms.” We echo our Governor’s sentiments, but we know not everyone will have the means to travel or move to New York, which is why it is important for the United States Senate to vote to codify Roe immediately and send it to the President’s desk for his signature. The House of Representatives has done its duty, and we call on our friend U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to assemble his caucus and bring this important matter to a vote as soon as possible. We fear that in states without sane leadership that lack the same respect for human rights, abortion will continue despite these pointless GOP restrictions, potentially resulting in the deaths or injury of thousands of women.

“This is a prime example as to why elections have consequences. For too long, we have fought for women, trans men, and non-binary individuals to have the right to make their own choices with their bodies, but now the Republican-controlled court has begun to eliminate that possibility. Young people, young Democrats, and the New York State Young Democrats, in particular, will not stand for this. We will continue to fight for the right to safe reproductive care, and to ensure New Yorkers maintain their fundamental right to their bodily autonomy.” says NYSYD President Jovan C. Richards.

New Yorkers are fortunate to have leaders like Governor Hochul, Attorney General Tish James, State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes at the helm defending New Yorkers against the caveman mentality that is sweeping other states’ capitals. NYSYD joins our state’s leaders and our national partners at the Young Democrats of America to prepare to fight the good fight for New Yorkers and Americans alike.

“This is not how generations of fighting for responsible access ends. This is how the fight finds its second wind and creates a larger movement this world has yet to experience,” claims Richards.

New York-Based Resources & Worthy Causes to Invest In

Planned Parenthood
Center for Reproductive Rights
The Lilith Fund

January 6th – One Year Later

Today marks one year since a violent mob attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in our nation’s capital. The events of that day are a stain on history- from the explosives found near Congress, to the tragic deaths of Capitol Police officers in the line of duty, to the display of hate symbols in our Capitol.

What was also a stain was when the dust settled, New York Representatives Chris Jacobs, Nicole Malliotakis, Elise Stefanik, and Lee Zeldin betrayed their oath to the Constitution by refusing to certify legitimate electoral votes. New Yorkers still remember this. The NYSYD, and millions of other New Yorkers, implore the House Sedition Caucus to follow the example of Congressman Rice of South Carolina, who admitted that there was no reason to not certify the 2020 election and expressed regret for his vote.

Young Democrats in the News: Tirade about town’s marijuana policy goes viral on TikTok

The Albany Times Union reports on video of Orange County Young Democrats President Zachary Constantine speaking at a Goshen Town Board meeting about their plans to ban the sale of cannabis going viral on TikTok.


Local board meetings in Upstate NY are fun. You should go sometime. ##NY ##NewYork ##legalizeit ##speakup ##government ##politics

♬ original sound – Zak

Young Democrats in the News: NYSYD President Jovan Richards on MetroFocus

Check out NYSYD President Jovan Richards on PBS’s MetroFocus discussing local politics with The City‘s Alyssa Katz and former NYC Board of Elections President JC Polanco.

NYSYD’s Statement on AG’s Investigation

Five months ago, we believed the survivors and trusted that the Attorney General’s investigation would substantiate the allegations that had been made. Yesterday’s report from Attorney General James brought the survivors one step closer to justice by validating their claims that Governor Cuomo engaged in a pattern of unacceptable behavior and sexual harassment. Today, we, the New York State Young Democrats, again, call on Governor Cuomo to promptly resign. If Governor Cuomo does not resign, we urge the New York State Legislature to expeditiously remove him through the impeachment process.

Far too often, survivors do not have an investigation and comprehensive report published by the Attorney General to validate their claims. Furthermore, many of the protections that are afforded to those in most workplaces are diminished, or non-existent, for staffers in all three branches of the state government. In this case, we have an opportunity to enact a level of swift justice by removing the perpetrator from power.

We continue to call upon the legislature to revise practices and enact legislation that will provide a safe environment for survivors to come forward — and find justice when they do. We have full confidence in the Democratic supermajorities to pass swift and comprehensive legislation that centers on protecting victims of sexual harassment and violence. Now is the time to make the workplace safer for all.

To all survivors of sexual harassment or assault in any instance: We hear you and support you wherever you are, as this is not limited to the workplace or legislative halls. We remain an organization committed to working with you to dismantle the systems that sustain environments where these actions are welcome.


Workplaces Respond to Domestic & Sexual Violence: A National Resource Center
For survivors, employers, employees, organizations looking to eliminate sexual violence in the workplace.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network)
Survivor Hotline: 800.656.HOPE(4673)

YWCA of New York
For Victims and Survivors of sexual violence who are in need of housing and counseling

For men who are survivors of sexual abuse or harassment

NYSCADV (New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence)

NYS Young Democrats Stand with the AAPI Community #StopAsianHate

The New York State Young Democrats (NYSYD) stand with our Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) members and community against anti-AAPI hate crimes. While these incidents are not exclusive to the pandemic, violent attacks on individuals, especially Asian elders, vandalism of businesses, racial epithets shouted by strangers, and more have plagued the lives of AAPI individuals throughout the country over the last year. Since the beginning of COVID, there has been a 1900% increase in hate crimes against AAPI throughout the country. The latest of which ended the lives of 8 people, 6 of whom were women, in Atlanta, GA just yesterday.

This xenophobic behavior is a remnant of our country’s racist history and a trait of the worst of our society. It must be stopped. We call on everyone to do their part in protecting our AAPI members, neighbors, friends, & family using the intervention links below. We can #StopAsianHate together.

In addition to the physical effects of these hate crimes, we acknowledge this additionally takes a toll on one’s mental health whether they were a victim or not. To anyone who has been directly or indirectly affected by AAPI Hate Crimes, we encourage you to speak up and speak out about your experience. You are not alone and there are many avenues of support available to you, some of which have been linked below. NYSYD stands with you against this hate and with our AAPI community.


STOP AAPI HATE – A research center dedicated to documenting anti-Asian hate incidents, providing resources for victims, & advocating for policies to reinforce human and civil rights protections

National Asian Pacific American Bar Association Hate Crime Resources – Legal resources, advocacy groups, statistics, toolkits, trainings, & more courtesy of the NAPABA

Asian Mental Health Collective Therapist Directory – List of Asian Mental Health Professionals in New York State

Hollaback! Bystander Intervention Training – Bystander Intervention Training session in conjunction with Asian Americans Advancing for Justice (AAJC)

NAPAWF NYC – COVID Racist Harassment Coping Guide – A guide to caring for oneself before, during, and after an incident of harassment developed by the NYC chapter of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum

Detox Local – An extensive list of mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.