The New York State Working Families Party, The Rural Caucus of the New York State Young Democrats, IBEW Local 1249, the Cortland County Democratic Committee and the St. Lawrence County Democratic Committee are teaming up to sponsor a candidate training workshop to recruit, train, and elect the next generation of progressive leaders.
We are seeking progressive champions willing to challenge the status quo and fight for a government that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and well-connected. This training event will give grassroots activists in rural New York the tools they need to create positive change in their communities and create a bottom-up infrastructure of progressive leaders. Our goal is to identify, train, and support grassroots activists in the skills and strategies to create a progressive future for our community and nation as well as help them manage successful campaigns or run for office themselves.
If you’re a Democrat or a Progressive in rural New York who is interested in possibly running for office or helping out a friend, please join us in Corland the very next day following the Inauguration of Their Donald as we kickstart the rural effort to win back our Democracy. With so much on the line, there is no time to waste.
There are two tracts included in this training event. The first track involves two sessions; Friday, January 20, 6:00-8:00PM and Saturday, January 21, 11:30AM-6:30PM. The second track only involves the Saturday session. We welcome you to attend either.
The organizing entities understand that there are several protest marches going on in Washington and throughout the state on this date and applaud all efforts to activate, organize and train citizens and future political leaders. The purpose of this workshop is not to compete with them but, rather, to compliment them. This is one of the reasons that we waited so long to announce it. Additional training events are being planned by several organizations in the coming months to recruit and train future potential candidates, some of whom may have been inspired by calls to action and service at these marches and other complementary events.
For more information, please email Jesse Lenney at Jlenney@workingfamilies.org, Jason Clark at jasonclark2001@msn.com or Paolo Cremidis at paolocremidis@gmail.com or message any of us on Facebook.
For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1915335398701273/.
Cortland County Democratic Committee Headquarters
129 Port Watson Street
Cortland, NY 13045