You are cordially invited to join the New York State Young Democrats as they recognize those who keep the lights on and light the way for our future all of whom are committed to great work and moving the Democratic agenda forward at the 6th Annual NYSYD Awards Dinner.
FDR Trailblazer Award
Attorney General Tish James
Chapter of the Year
Richmond County
Young Elected of the Year
Hon. Karines Reyes
Leader of the Year
Mondaire Jones
Leader of the Year
Lauren Summa
Labor Leader of the Year
Mike Grubiak
Caucus of the Year
Disability Issues
Alumni of the Year
Stephanie Hausner
Rookie of the Year
Robert Drumm
Advocate of the Year
Destiny Hallenbeck
Sunday, October 18th, 2020 @ 6:00 P.M.
Please email the Rally Event Team at info@nysyd.org if you have any questions or want to join the Host Committee.
Please make checks payable to:
New York State Young Democrats
c/o Jovan C. Richards
130 Pelham Road
Apartment 5D
New Rochelle, NY 10805
Contributions or gifts to the New York State Young Democrats are not tax-deductible. Labor donated.
Ads: Please email all journal ads in .pdf, .jpg, .png or .doc format to gala@nysyd.org.