Join us in helping reboot Broome County Young Democrats for 2017! Come learn about what we’re doing and participate in electing new officers and voting to endorse the next DNC Chair. Free Food! #Resist #Reorganize
Anyone that attends this meeting can participate in the voting or run for an officer position if they are 36 years of age or younger and registered to vote in Broome County as a Democrat.
The officer positions up for election include President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Nominations for officer positions can be made at the meeting. Candidates may also email bcyoungdems@gmail.com a headshot photo and short summary of 150 words or less on why they are running and why they will be a good officer, which will be posted on our Facebook page in the days before the meeting. Feel free to message our Facebook page with any questions.
Also, participate in our endorsement vote for the next DNC Chair! Here are the declared candidates:
Sally Boynton Brown: We the DNC- Sally Boynton Brown for DNC Chair
Raymond Buckley: Ray Buckley for DNC Chair
Pete Buttigieg: Pete For DNC
Keith Ellison: Keith for DNC
Jehmu Greene: Jehmu for DNC
Jaime Harrison: Future Leaders Reception with Jaime Harrison
Tom Perez: Tom Perez
We will also be accepting $5 payments for membership dues.
See you on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:00pm at the Lost Dog Cocktail Lounge inside the Lost Dog Cafe Binghamton located at 222 Water Street, Binghamton, NY 13901 (corner of Water Street and Henry Street).
For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1616492685326095/.