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High School Caucus Bylaws


The New York High School Democrats will work to increase high school participation in politics with the aim of electing Democratic candidates and advancing Democratic ideals.


Section 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be the New York High School Democrats. It shall be abbreviated NYHSD.

Section 2: Affiliation

The New York High School Democrats shall be affiliated with the New York State Young Democrats, Young Democrats of America and the High School Democrats of America and shall be the official High School Caucus of the New York State Young Democrats,


Section 1: State Membership

The New York State High School Democrats voting membership shall be comprised of all members of chartered chapters or individuals. Section 2: Membership Requirements Membership in the New York State High School Democrats shall be limited to any individuals in high school, or any individuals who shall enter high school in three (3) months or who have graduated high school within three (3) months. Members must be a registered Democrat unless they are under eighteen (18) years of age. Every member shall be eligible for any office in this organization.


Section 1: Elected Officers

The elected officers of the New York High School Democrats shall be: Chair, Vice Chair, Political Director, Finance Director, Downstate Regional Director, and Upstate Regional Director.

State Chair

  1. Shall be the chief executive officer, as well as the official voice and representative of New York State High School Democrats to the New York State Young Democrats and the wider community.
  2. Shall preside over all meetings.
  3. Shall appoint Regional Directors and vacant State Officers.
  4. Shall be a voting member of the New York State Young Democrats Executive Board and High School Democrats of America National Committee.
  • Shall be the chief executive officer, as well as the official voice and representative of New York State High School Democrats to the New York State Young Democrats and the wider community.
  • Shall preside over all meetings.
  • Shall appoint Regional Directors and vacant State Officers.
  • Shall be a voting member of the New York State Young Democrats Executive Board and High School Democrats of America National Committee.
  • Vice Chair

    1. A. Shall work with the State Chair to coordinate major state events.
    2. B. Shall preside over meetings in the absence of the State Chair.
    3. C. Shall assume the office of State Chair if a vacancy occurs, until the next State election.
  • A. Shall work with the State Chair to coordinate major state events.
  • B. Shall preside over meetings in the absence of the State Chair.
  • C. Shall assume the office of State Chair if a vacancy occurs, until the next State election.
  • Political Director

    1. Shall maintain contact with elected officials and statewide campaigns and notify the membership of political events.
    2. Shall work to compile a list of targeted races for approval by the Executive Board.
    3. Shall run and organize all endorsements of legislation with permission from the Executive Board.
    4. Shall endeavor to keep the membership informed on relevant political activities in the state.
  • Shall maintain contact with elected officials and statewide campaigns and notify the membership of political events.
  • Shall work to compile a list of targeted races for approval by the Executive Board.
  • Shall run and organize all endorsements of legislation with permission from the Executive Board.
  • Shall endeavor to keep the membership informed on relevant political activities in the state.
  • Finance Director

    1. Shall be responsible for all High School Democrats fundraising activities.
    2. Shall submit financial statements, in consultation with the Communications Director, to the State Executive Board as requested. These statements shall include all revenue, expenditures and reserves.
  • Shall be responsible for all High School Democrats fundraising activities.
  • Shall submit financial statements, in consultation with the Communications Director, to the State Executive Board as requested. These statements shall include all revenue, expenditures and reserves.
  • Section 2: Appointed Officers

    The following appointed positions shall exist. All appointed officers shall be appointed by the State Chair. It is up to the current chair to decide whether or not to open these positions up to election. Appointed positions may be opened up for election, but elected positions cannot be appointed.

    Regional Director

    1. Shall be the chief organizer in their respective region. Shall manage and track all chapters in their region, and make regular reports to the State Officers.
    2. Shall recruit members and chapters in their region.
    3. Shall help coordinate candidate campaigns in all counties under the direction of the Political Director.
    4. Shall initiate and remain in contact with all NYSYD County Chapters in their region.
  • Shall be the chief organizer in their respective region. Shall manage and track all chapters in their region, and make regular reports to the State Officers.
  • Shall recruit members and chapters in their region.
  • Shall help coordinate candidate campaigns in all counties under the direction of the Political Director.
  • Shall initiate and remain in contact with all NYSYD County Chapters in their region.
  • Communications Director

    1. Shall keep and maintain a record of all meetings of the New York State High School Democrats executive board.
    2. Shall create newsletters, meeting updates, or action emails to be sent to the membership base.
    3. Shall be the chief officer in charge of an ongoing membership list.
  • Shall keep and maintain a record of all meetings of the New York State High School Democrats executive board.
  • Shall create newsletters, meeting updates, or action emails to be sent to the membership base.
  • Shall be the chief officer in charge of an ongoing membership list.
  • Section 3: Election of Officers

    All elected officers shall be elected at the biennial State Convention of the New York State Young Democrats or by a membership vote. The current executive board will decide the mode of the upcoming election. The State Chair, Vice Chair, Political Director, and Finance Director shall be elected in the manner prescribed in these By-Laws. All candidates for state office shall file their intent to run with the Chair prior to election unless otherwise directed by the State Executive Board.

    Section 4: Terms of Office

    Officers elected and appointed at the State Convention shall take office immediately. Every Officer Shall hold office for one year or until removed pursuant to Section 6 of this Article.

    Section 5: Vacancy

    Vacancy in any of the statewide offices shall be filled by the State Chair and confirmed by a simple majority of the Executive Board at the next Executive Board meeting. Should the office of the State Chair become vacant, the Vice Chair shall assume the position of State Chair.

    Section 6: Removal

    The Executive Board may by a two-thirds (2/3)majority vote to remove an officer if there is proper evidence to acknowledge that an officer has been performing improper acts, or has not been discharging their duties with the diligence required of their position.

    ARTICLE IV Executive Board

    Section 1: Executive Board Membership

    The Executive Board shall consist of the following members:

    1. State Chair, Vice-Chair, Political Director, and Finance Director.
    2. The immediate past-State Chair, as a non-voting member.
    3. Regional Directors
    4. Communications Director
  • State Chair, Vice-Chair, Political Director, and Finance Director.
  • The immediate past-State Chair, as a non-voting member.
  • Regional Directors
  • Communications Director
  • Section 2: Executive Board Organization

    The State Chair shall run the Executive Board. Communications Director shall serve as the Secretary of the Executive Board. If the State Chair is unavailable, the following chain of command will be put in place: Vice Chair, Political Director, Communications Director, Finance Director, Regional Directors

    Section 3: Executive Board Meetings

    The State Chair may convene meetings of the Executive Board. Notice of the meeting shall be given to all Executive Board members at least 7 days in advance.

    Section 4: Executive Board Proxy Voting

    Executive Board Members may not carry more than one proxy vote.


    Section 1: Amendment

    These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote at any State Executive Board meeting.


    Section 1: Suspension

    Any section of these Bylaws may be suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the Executive Board or State Convention. A motion to suspend must identify the Article and Section being suspended and may not suspend more than one Article. This Article may not be suspended.