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Tag: Health Care Reform

U.S. Senator Schumer On Health Care Reform Passage

Message From U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer On Health Care Reform Passage:
I hope I’m not bothering you by sending this message so close to the holidays, but I wanted to let you know the news right away: The Senate finally passed a health care reform bill this morning.

The bill is based on the agreement we reached last weekend, and the next step will be to combine it with the version the House passed so both chambers can vote on a final version.

As I’ve said, this bill is not perfect. A strong, level-playing-field public option would have done more to help keep costs down. But we’re going to stop the worst of the premium increases, impose tough new rules on the insurance companies, and extend coverage to millions.

That’s a pretty big achievement any way you look at it.

So thank you for your support this year. I’ll be in touch soon with more.

Happy holidays,
Chuck Schumer

Get Back Into The Fight

“For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die.”

These words have been used a lot over the past few weeks as the nation remembers Senator Edward Kennedy. Indeed, they are of particular relevance when considering the issue of health care reform and its impact on the millennial generation. Many critics have said lately that my generation has gone AWOL from this battle. Well consider this is a plea to my generation to get back into the fight.

The millennial generation is the largest uninsured demographic in America, with only 1 in 3 living with health insurance. In 2007 approximately 13.2 million young people were uninsured. Young people are especially vulnerable to the rising costs of health care. The price tag of individual health coverage, which is expected to reach over $16,000 in 2040, is already sprinting past $5,000 annually. More and more young people are incapable of purchasing even the most basic coverage plan. This leads to a higher rate of worker absenteeism due to preventable illnesses, which in turn decreases production and results in poorer economic performance. So why pass comprehensive reform? As James Carville once so succinctly put it, “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Health care reform is the single most important issue that faces the millennial generation. Too often the millennial generation walks around feeling young and indestructible, and not interested in old people issues. This is an attitude that we must correct before someone gets hurt. Health Care Reform was the dream and the life mission of the late Senator Kennedy. He might have passed the torch, but now we must be the ones who carry it across the finish line. If we truly are the next generation of American leaders, we must show that we are as passionate as Senator Kennedy was regarding this issue. If we do not act now, millions of our young brothers and sisters face the risk of getting sick and without proper health care coverage someone is going to get hurt or possibly die.

I encourage all millennials to make sure you voice is heard in this fight. Contact your elected representatives and make sure that they know just how important Health Care is to you. Attend Health Care Reform rallies to show you support this issue. Go to a Health Care Town Hall and participate in the debate. Just because we were the driving force behind the election of President Barack Obama does not mean the work stops there. We must support the President efforts to continue the cause of Senator Kennedy life. It is up to us to insure that the dream lives on.

Matthew Silverstein is 27 years old and is the President of the New York State Young Democrats, an organization which represents identified Democrats from ages 16-36 throughout the State of New York.

The President’s Plan For Health Reform

Here is the President’s Plan For Health Reform As Per The President’s Email To Supporters Last Night!

If You Have Health Insurance the President’s Plan:

  • Ends discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions.
  • Limits premium discrimination based on gender and age.
  • Prevents insurance companies from dropping coverage when people are sick and need it most.
  • Caps out-of-pocket expenses so people don’t go broke when they get sick.
  • Eliminates extra charges for preventive care like mammograms, flu shots and diabetes tests to improve health and save money.
  • Protects Medicare for seniors.
  • Eliminates the “donut-hole” gap in coverage for prescription drugs.

If You Don’t Have Insurance, the President’s Plan:

  • Creates a new insurance marketplace — the Exchange — that allows people without insurance and small businesses to compare plans and buy insurance at competitive prices.
  • Provides new tax credits to help people buy insurance.
  • Provides small businesses tax credits and affordable options for covering employees.
  • Offers a public health insurance option to provide the uninsured and those who can’t find affordable coverage with a real choice.
  • Immediately offers new, low-cost coverage through a national “high risk” pool to protect people with preexisting conditions from financial ruin until the new Exchange is created.

For All Americans, the President’s Plan:

  • Won’t add a dime to the deficit and is paid for upfront.
  • Requires additional cuts if savings are not realized.
  • Implements a number of delivery system reforms that begin to rein in health care costs and align incentives for hospitals, physicians, and others to improve quality.
  • Creates an independent commission of doctors and medical experts to identify waste, fraud and abuse in the health care system.
  • Orders immediate medical malpractice reform projects that could help doctors focus on putting their patients first, not on practicing defensive medicine.
  • Requires large employers to cover their employees and individuals who can afford it to buy insurance so everyone shares in the responsibility of reform.

A Note From U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer On Health Care Reform

schumer hc

Dear Mr. Silverstein:

Thank you for contacting me and expressing your support for government-run public option in health care reform. I wholeheartedly agree that a public option will help enhance access to quality and affordable health care for every American.

Our country is facing a crisis in health care. The cost of health insurance is skyrocketing, and too many New York families are caught in the middle. Like you, I believe it is absolutely unacceptable that more than forty-six million Americans do not have health care coverage. Both the health of our citizens and the health of our nation are at stake, and we must act soon.

I strongly support the establishment of a public health insurance option which would create a not-for-profit insurance plan, started by the government, which would compete on a level playing field with existing private health insurance plans. Because the public health insurance option would be not-for-profit, it should require lower premiums and, therefore, exert downward pressure on the premiums of existing insurance plans. This change is pro-consumer because it adds competition to insurance markets, allowing New Yorkers and all Americans one more choice of affordable and comprehensive health insurance.

Too many Americans are either uninsured or underinsured and Congress must act soon to provide the necessary catalyst we need. The Senate Finance Committee, of which I am a member, is working with all stakeholders in the health care community to develop a strong bill that can help solve our current health crisis.

Thank you for contacting me about this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can ever be of assistance to you on this, or any other matter.


Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator