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Assembly Member Jonathan Bing On Marriage Equality

A Personal Statement on Marriage Equality

Like many New Yorkers, I was extremely disappointed with the defeat of marriage equality legislation in the State Senate on November 25. I have supported this legislation (A. 7732) as an important step in treating New Yorkers fairly, regardless of sexual orientation, when it comes to marriage.

In one my first acts as a newly-elected member of the Assembly in 2003, I signed on as one of the ten original co-sponsors of first marriage equality bill ever introduced. Since then, the Assembly has passed and I have co-sponsored and voted for this legislation three times; the measure first passed in 2007 and then twice this year. In 2007, I hosted a forum on same-sex marriage with a panel that included the Senate sponsor of the bill, Tom Duane, and representatives from the Empire State Pride Agenda and Lambda Legal Defense. I also co-sponsored the law (Ch. 768 of 2005) that gave domestic partners the same rights as spouses in the disposition of a loved one’s remains.

As the United States Supreme Court has held, the freedom to marry is “one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free people,” This bill would finally allow the countless couples and families wishing to express this basic right the opportunity to share such an important bond. Although the New York State Domestic Relations Law contains no specific prohibition against — or allowance for — marriages between individuals of the same sex, the New York State Court of Appeals has held that New York law does not allow for same-sex marriages. The bar against same-sex marriages exists regardless of how long the individuals have lived together or whether they are raising children through legally recognized joint-custody arrangements.

This bill would remove the barriers in New York law that deprive individuals of the equal right to marry the person of their choice. For too long, the same-sex couples who want to be married have lacked basic legal protections taken for granted by married couples. In many areas, including property ownership, inheritance, health care, hospital visitation, taxation, insurance coverage, child custody and pension benefits, married couples receive important safeguards against the loss or injury of a spouse and assurances their marital privacy will be respected.

What’s next in the battle for marriage equality? I will work with the sponsor of the bill in the Assembly, Danny O’Donnell, to ensure that the Assembly passes marriage equality legislation again in 2010 to keep the issue moving forward. I will support State Senators who did the right thing and cast their votes in the affirmative even though a negative vote might have been easier for them. Finally, I will consider supporting challengers to incumbents who stand in the way of progress on this issue. The right to marry is a civil right that all deserve, and now is the time to stand up for the issues we believe in.

In the wake of last week’s defeat of marriage equality legislation in the Senate, I take small comfort in knowing that when my two-and-a-half year old daughter is a teenager, marriage equality will be the law of the land. I believe that she and her generation will grow up in a world where people are respected regardless of their sexual orientation. She will wonder why there was such an effort to stop this from moving forward, in the same way that my generation cannot comprehend how people tried through the law to prevent marriages between those of different races. Achieving marriage equality is not a question of “if” but of “when,” and we must work to ensure that the “when” is sooner rather than later.

Marriage Equality Update


“It is always darkest before the dawn. The darkest day in the history of the American civil rights movement was in 1857 when the Supreme Court ruled against Dred Scott, making slavery legal north of the 36th parallel. That was the darkest day for the abolitionists. But when we look back in history, we forget that this was only five years before the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in September of 1862.

“I understand the anger; I understand the frustration; I understand the feeling of betrayal; and I understand the profound disappointment of those who came to Albany today thinking they could get married tomorrow. But I am also here to tell you that we are not back to square one.

“Governors don’t come to the Senate floor after losing a vote. This one does, because this is a fight that is bigger than one legislative vote. This is a civil rights issue. Marriage equality is as important as the emancipation of any group from oppression and the granting of equal rights to any community.

“I believe in my heart that if people had voted their consciences today, we would be celebrating marriage equality tonight. That did not happen. As disappointed as we are today, let’s get up tomorrow and redouble our efforts. We are going to lay the foundation to make people feel comfortable to vote their conscience and not fear political backlash.

“Now we know who we have to talk to. We are going to quash the intimidation; we are going to alleviate the pressure; we are going to move this issue back to the floor of the Senate and we are going to have marriage equality in New York State and equal rights for everybody.”

The New York State Senate Democrats Who Voted Against Marriage Equality

Here is the listing of the 8 New York State Senate Democrats who voted against Marriage Equality. We are very dissappointed in these eight Democrats. We had thought that at the end of the day we could count on their support. We will remember this in 2010!

10. Shirley Huntley, D-NYC (Jamaica)
12. George Onorato, D-NYC (Astoria)
13. Hiram Monserrate, D-NYC (Jackson Heights)
15. Joseph Addabbo, Jr., D-NYC (Ozone Park)
27. Carl Kruger, D-NYC (Brooklyn)
32. Rubén Díaz, D-NYC (Soundview)
48. Darrel Aubertine, D-Upstate (Cape Vincent)
58. William Stachowski, D-Upstate (Hamburg)

World AIDS Day 2009

Today is World AIDS Day 2009. Today we remember all the Americans who have died because of HIV / AIDS.

For those who are unfamiliar with World AIDS Day, here is some helpful facts to better understand the meaning of World AIDS Day.


About World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is held on December 1 every year. It is an international day to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS around the world. The first World AIDS Day was held on December 1, 1988.

What is the theme for World AIDS Day 2009?

The UK theme for World AIDS Day 2009 focuses on the reality of HIV today.

The theme uses real people and real situations to present true accounts of how HIV affects people living in the UK, as well as dispelling myths, misinformation and confusion.

The slogan for World AIDS Day 2009 in the UK is “HIV: Reality”

The UK theme translates the World AIDS Campaign international World AIDS Day theme of “human rights and access to treatment” to our situation here in the UK. The international theme also relates closely to the philosophy of “Respect & Protect”

A full range of “HIV: Reality” resources are available from NAT from our online shop

What is NAT‘s role in World AIDS Day?

NAT has played a coordinating role for World AIDS Day in the UK since the first World AIDS Day in 1988. Each year we work with people living with HIV and other organisations to develop an appropriate theme for World AIDS Day, design posters and information resources and develop and manage the World AIDS Day website, the main source of information for World AIDS Day in the UK. Visit the NAT site:

Why do we wear red ribbons to mark World AIDS Day?

The red ribbon is worn as a sign of support for people living with HIV. Wearing a red ribbon for World AIDS Day is a simple and powerful way to show support and challenge the stigma and prejudice surrounding HIV and AIDS that prevents us from tackling HIV in the UK and internationally.

The red ribbon has been an international symbol of AIDS awareness since 1991. The Red Ribbon Project was created by the New York based organisation Visual AIDS, which brought together artists to create a symbol of support for the growing number of people living with HIV in the US.

The red ribbon is the result of collaboration between community artists who wanted to create a non-copyrighted image that could be used as an awareness-raising tool by people across the world.

President Obama’s Thanksgiving Message

Tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, Americans across the country will sit down together, count our blessings, and give thanks for our families and our loved ones.

American families reflect the diversity of this great nation. No two are exactly alike, but there is a common thread they each share.

Our families are bound together through times of joy and times of grief. They shape us, support us, instill the values that guide us as individuals, and make possible all that we achieve.

So tomorrow, I’ll be giving thanks for my family — for all the wisdom, support, and love they have brought into my life.

But tomorrow is also a day to remember those who cannot sit down to break bread with those they love.

The soldier overseas holding down a lonely post and missing his kids. The sailor who left her home to serve a higher calling. The folks who must spend tomorrow apart from their families to work a second job, so they can keep food on the table or send a child to school.

We are grateful beyond words for the service and hard work of so many Americans who make our country great through their sacrifice. And this year, we know that far too many face a daily struggle that puts the comfort and security we all deserve painfully out of reach.

So when we gather tomorrow, let us also use the occasion to renew our commitment to building a more peaceful and prosperous future that every American family can enjoy.

It seems like a lifetime ago that a crowd met on a frigid February morning in Springfield, Illinois to set out on an improbable course to change our nation.

In the years since, Michelle and I have been blessed with the support and friendship of the millions of Americans who have come together to form this ongoing movement for change.

You have been there through victories and setbacks. You have given of yourselves beyond measure. You have enabled all that we have accomplished — and you have had the courage to dream yet bigger dreams for what we can still achieve.

So in this season of thanks giving, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to you, and my anticipation of the brighter future we are creating together.

With warmest wishes for a happy holiday season from my family to yours,

President Barack Obama

Take Action Now On Marriage Equality!

Call NYS Governor David Paterson (518) 474-8390 and thank him for his support and his guarantee to put the vote on the agenda!

For all of this info online go to

Please make hourly targeted phone calls to NYS politicians:

* Tell them we want a vote on marriage equality in the special session scheduled for Nov 10th!
* Tell them we expect them to do everything they can, with all of their political strength, to ensure this vote will happen!
* Tell Senators to vote on the side of equality and pass Marriage Equality Bill S.4401! (For info on the bill go to S.4401/Duane)
Here is the list of NYS politicians and their phone numbers to call: Call on Monday and ask them to urge the NYS Senate to pass Marriage Equality Bill S.4401:

NYS Attorney General Andrew Cuomo (800) 788-9898
NYC Speaker Christine Quinn (212) 564-7757
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (212) 639-9675
Counsel to NYC Mayor Anthony Crowell (212) 788-3000
Former US President Bill Clinton (212) 348-8882
US Senator for NYS Charles E. Schumer NYC: ( 212)-486-4430 Albany: (518) 431-4070
US Senator for NYS Kirsten Gillibrand NYC: (212)-688-6262 Albany: (518) 431-0120

Monday, Nov 9, 2009
9am- NYS Senator Lavalle District: (631) 696-6900 Albany: (518) 455-3121
9am- NYS Senator Breslin District & Albany: (518) 455-2225
10am- NYS Senator Valesky District: (315) 478-8745 Albany: (518) 455-2838
10am- NYS Senator Stachowski District: (716) 826-3344 Albany: (518) 455-2426
11am- NYS Senator Hannon District: (516) 739-1700 Albany: (518) 455-2200
11am- NYS Senator Thompson District: (716) 854-8705 Albany: (518) 455-3371
12pm- NYS Senator Robach District: (585) 225-3650 Albany: (518) 455-2909
12pm- NYS Senator Aubertine District: (315) 782-3418 Albany: (518) 455-2761
1pm- NYS Senator Lanza District: (718) 984-4073 Albany: (518) 455-3215
1pm- NYS Senator Onorato District: (718) 545-9706 Albany: (518) 455-3486
2pm- NYS Senator Foley District: (631) 360-3356 Albany: (518) 455-2303
2pm- NYS Senator Fuschillo District: (516) 882-0630 Albany: (518) 455-3341
3pm- NYS Senator Alesi District: (585) 223-1800 Albany: (518) 455-2015 3pm-

Your Senator- find out who that is Monday & Tuesday every hour, on the hour- ALL DAY!

NYS Senate Majority Leader Sampson District: (718) 649-7653 Albany: (518) 455-2788

NYS Senate Majority Temp. Pres. Smith District: (718) 528-4290 Albany: (518) 455-2701

If you want additional info on the senator you are calling you can go to: —

Jessica A. Teicher NYSYD GLBT Caucus Chair

Matthew Silverstein NYSYD President

Young Democrats Are Victorious On Election Day

Last night was a very big night for the New York State Young Democrats!

We  are proud of all of the Young Dems who won their races last night. Here is how our YD’s who ran for office this year did after all the votes were counted.

Clarkstown Town Council                         Vote for 2

Stephanie G. Hausner (YD)                        8,078

George A. Hoehmann                                   7,763

Aney Paul                                                        7,113

Diane L. Holland                                            5,181

John R. Maloney                                             2,750


Clarkstown Town Clerk                            Vote for 1

David Carlucci (YD)                                 12,536

Donna M. Held                                          3,814


Beekman Town Supervisor                   Vote for 1

Daniel J French (YD)                              1,712

Barbara A Zulauf                                     1,189


NYC Council – District 5                              Vote for 1

Jessica Lappin (YD)                                    19,725

Stephen Kaufman                                        6,815


NYC Council – District 30                         Vote for 1

Elizabeth Crowley (YD)                           11,227

Thomas Ognibene                                     7,686


Let this prove that YD’s can run for elected office in New York State and win!


If we missed anyone please email NYSYD President Matthew Silverstein at and we will add those results to this post.

Spend Halloween With The New York State Young Democrats & Help To Scare Off Those Republicans!


1. Rockland County Halloween Campaign Invasion

Help Turn Rockland County Blue

Let’s Help Elect Thom Kleiner As The Next County Executive Of Rockland County!

Date: Saturday October 31, 2009

Time: 10:00am – 6:00pm

Location: Thom Kleiner For County Executive HQ
120 North Main Street
New City, NY

2. Raid The 36th Annual Village Halloween Parade

Join The Manhattan Young Democrats & Show Your Outrage Over Republican Bloombucks Buying Another Term. Come Dressed Like A Billionaire And Ready To Take Action! We Will Be Handing Out $8 Bloomberg Bucks To Remind The Crowds That “Eight Is Enough”.

Date: Saturday October31, 2009

Time: 6:15pm

Location: Meet @ Corner of Varrick Street & Laight Street