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Watch NY’s Own Mike Corbett Speak Live at the YDA 2011 Convention

Native son of New York and current YDA Labor Caucus Chair, Michael Corbett, will be speaking live at the Young Democrats of America 2011 National Convention LIVE! We will be live streaming Mike’s speech as he runs for Vice President of the Young Democrats of America!

At around, the video should start to live stream the speech and the video feed will appear in the player below or on Mike’s Facebook fan page. We will also do our best to live tweet the proceedings for those of you that are unable to be near a computer or if we encounter any technical issues.

If you miss the speech, not to worry, the video will be available for playback at at any time.

Watch live streaming video from corbett4ydavp at

Same Sex Marriage Passes State Senate

Tonight, we have helped make history. New York will soon become the 6th State in the US to legalize same-sex marriages after the bill passed the State Senate during an extended session in Albany. With your hard work, we have again achieved real results. From campaigning to flip 2 no votes into yes votes in November until the recent push to call your State Senator and either confirm or convince them to get on the right side of history, this would not have happened without any of your dedication and diligence.

With this major victory, I’m confident that our trust in government can be restored and that New York is still truly the pinnacle of progress in our great nation. Marriage equality is a civil right that a super-majority of New Yorkers believe in and now we can lead the way towards marriage equality nationwide. The completion of this goal in New York does not mean that our work is done; there is still more to do in ensuring true equality.

We learned from our own setbacks how to bounce back and obtain the results that New Yorkers demanded. It’s imperative now that we return the favor and utilize what we have done to take the next step in making our whole country and society better.

I hope you’ll join me in saluting Governor Andrew Cuomo and the courageous legislators that cast ‘difficult political’ votes to get on the right side of history; but most importantly; thank you and congratulations on this achievement. You earned it.

Truly a Historic Moment

Nearly a decade ago, our world both as Americans and more specifically New Yorkers changed drastically. At the time it seemed like a change for the worst; a change in the balance of power throughout the global community that left the future of America vulnerable. As all Americans know, change is not easy; more so when it comes with the tears that were shed over the destruction at the World Trade Center, Pentagon and outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

With the heightened security throughout the nation, our armed forces began the crusade to rid the world of terrorism, starting with the international figurehead of terrorism and the head of Al Qaeda; Osama Bin Laden. During the last 10 years, the men and women of our armed services have combed the mountains and deserts of the Middle East eliminating threat after threat to the human race although still eluded by Bin Laden.

As our country’s citizens continued to grieve and seek justice, the improvements we saw in the war on terror were beginning to become outweighed by the loss of American life and the responsibility for inspiration and closure shifted to the American people. Never once were our principles open for compromise and never once was there any doubt that we would rebuild and our country would be even stronger than it was and nowhere better would that confidence be displayed than New York.

Many young New Yorkers lost siblings, parents, relatives and friends on 9/11, taking the brunt of the destruction, both physically and emotionally. As America carried the struggle alongside those in New York, many of these losses, over time, yielded the tremendous sense of patriotism that our country saw, which inspired a new wave of public service and an appreciation for those who lost their lives for us. As lower Manhattan began to rebuild, the surge for justice began to build on its foundation, achieving greater and more prominent victories that would undoubtedly lead to a joyous pinnacle.

The death of Osama Bin Laden is not the joyous pinnacle or finale of the war on terrorism. This is simply another step forward for our country and is a testament to the bond that was forged between every New Yorker, every American and every man and every woman who served our country and even more with those who lost their lives defending freedom and liberty. This new victory would not have happened without those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country; those are celebrated with every victory like this and will always be in memories.

Healing the wounds inflicted after 9/11 is not about the reconstruction at ground zero or the death of one man; it is about how we advance and learn from these experiences as one nation. As a result, Americans became more vigilant and were accepting of the changes that were necessary to protect our country. The improvements made in our country will be cemented as we continue to work together to see that America never experiences another day like September 11, 2001.

Before 9/11, the World Trade Center Towers were a symbol of the American way. 10 years later the antithesis of the American way was captured and killed. With a continued trust in our leaders, all Americans’ should have renewed faith in our countries capacity to maintain security within our borders and defend our interests around the globe.

Kevin Lawrie
New York State Young Democrats

Happy International Women’s Day

“So let us mark this day by finding ways to ensure women and girls’ access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.”

~Hillary Clinton

Today is the 100th International Women’s Day. The UN’s theme this year is Equal Access to Education, Training and Science and Technology: Pathway to Decent Work for Women. This theme could not come at a better time. As Congress and State legislatures around the country introduce bills to attack a woman’s bodily integrity, we are reminded today about the real issues facing our country and the real issue Congress should be focused on; jobs. The New York State Young Democrats feel there is no better way to honor our nation’s women than by expanding access to higher education, occupational training and necessary health protections.

The New York State Young Democrats know that women’s rights are human rights. Yet, despite the fact that half of the world’s population is female, women’s rights have become marginalized as a minority issue. Women perform two-thirds of the world’s work and produce half the world’s food, but earn just 10% of the income and own only 1% of the property. By supporting women’s rights we are supporting a global human rights movement.

What can you do? Here are 10 simple actions you can take to support women. Send us your ideas too.

  1. Make a pledge to bring 5 women to the polls next election day. When women vote, women win.
  2. Support women candidates and ask a woman to run for office. Check out WCF’s She Should Run Campaign
  3. Call out sexist comments, jokes, and media outlets that perpetuate negative stereotypes of women.
  4. Join the Women’s Caucus of the New York State Young Democrats!
  5. Attend the MYD Engendering Progress Event on March 24th. The Women’s Caucus of the NYS Young Democrats is a proud co-sponsor of the event.
  6. Stand up for women’s health and call your Senators to urge them to vote against defunding Planned Parenthood and the UNFPA. Health care is a human rights issue!
  7. Educate yourself to issues of human trafficking. New York’s JFK airport is a major entry point for women being trafficked into sex slavery.
  8. Donate business attire to Dress for Success and support women seeking jobs in the community.
  9. Get tested for HIV and know your status. March 10th is also National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
  10. Set your Facebook status to Happy 100th International Women’s Day! What are you going to do today to honor and support international women’s rights? Sparking a conversation is the first step towards change!

Happy International Women’s Day! Buona festa della donna! How do you say “Happy International Women’s Day” in your language?

Richmond County and Manhattan Young Dems March in St. Patty’s Parade in Support of LGBT Equality!

This past Sunday the Richmond County and Manhattan Young Dems took part in the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Staten Island and marched in support of Staten Island Pride Events, a local group barred from carrying a banner in support of equal LGBT rights. Check out the press in the Daily News and New York Post about the event. Thanks to the Manhattan Young Dems for catching this on video!

Democrats are the true ‘Heroes of Reform’

Not since the first President Bush told us to ‘read his lips’ have we seen a more dramatic turnaround in a campaign promise than what we have seen from the Senate Republicans and it happened in the span of less than two months of being in the majority. ~Senator Mike Gianaris

Check out the video of the Senate Democrats’ Press Conference supporting Governor Cuomo’s independent redistricting bill.

Candlelight Vigil

Violence is Not a Governing Strategy

(Photo: Gina Ferazzi, Los Angeles Times / January 8, 2011)

Yesterday’s events in Arizona are obviously terrifying, tragic and truly deplorable. Violent actions against those who are bold enough to step out in front of our Nation’s most difficult issues are unbecoming of the American way.

All of our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families and our best wishes for a speedy and full recovery are with Congresswoman Giffords.

Our Nation has seen tragedy before and as only Americans can, we overcame. We work together to support one another during trying times through comforting advice and often spiritual guidance seeking the power to mend and heal, ultimately making us stronger as a people and as a country.

We have seen an increase in emotional and passionate rhetoric regarding elected officials and policies at every level of government. Our taxes are too high, our government costs too much and our economy is slow to rebuild. We all know these things to be true and our elected officials are overwhelmingly capable of righting this country and I have tremendous faith in the people that have put them there.

Yesterday’s events have scarred our Nation’s public and has demonstrated the necessity to understand one another and sometimes settle and agree to disagree. Democrats nor Republicans should stand for this and we must do our part to lead this effort by example, not rhetoric.

As young adults we must continue to engage in politics and public governance, undeterred by this instance, remembering that anger and violence are NOT governing strategies. We must understand that rhetoric, as it may often be empty, can spiral out of control as it clearly did in Arizona.

The next generation of leaders must be thoughtful enough to understand that one day soon, we will have the opportunities to lead our communities from coast to coast and we can only succeed as one country based on freedom and liberty.

Kevin Lawrie
New York State Young Democrats