“So let us mark this day by finding ways to ensure women and girls’ access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.”
~Hillary Clinton
Today is the 100th International Women’s Day. The UN’s theme this year is Equal Access to Education, Training and Science and Technology: Pathway to Decent Work for Women. This theme could not come at a better time. As Congress and State legislatures around the country introduce bills to attack a woman’s bodily integrity, we are reminded today about the real issues facing our country and the real issue Congress should be focused on; jobs. The New York State Young Democrats feel there is no better way to honor our nation’s women than by expanding access to higher education, occupational training and necessary health protections.
The New York State Young Democrats know that women’s rights are human rights. Yet, despite the fact that half of the world’s population is female, women’s rights have become marginalized as a minority issue. Women perform two-thirds of the world’s work and produce half the world’s food, but earn just 10% of the income and own only 1% of the property. By supporting women’s rights we are supporting a global human rights movement.
What can you do? Here are 10 simple actions you can take to support women. Send us your ideas too.
- Make a pledge to bring 5 women to the polls next election day. When women vote, women win.
- Support women candidates and ask a woman to run for office. Check out WCF’s She Should Run Campaign
- Call out sexist comments, jokes, and media outlets that perpetuate negative stereotypes of women.
- Join the Women’s Caucus of the New York State Young Democrats!
- Attend the MYD Engendering Progress Event on March 24th. The Women’s Caucus of the NYS Young Democrats is a proud co-sponsor of the event.
- Stand up for women’s health and call your Senators to urge them to vote against defunding Planned Parenthood and the UNFPA. Health care is a human rights issue!
- Educate yourself to issues of human trafficking. New York’s JFK airport is a major entry point for women being trafficked into sex slavery.
- Donate business attire to Dress for Success and support women seeking jobs in the community.
- Get tested for HIV and know your status. March 10th is also National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
- Set your Facebook status to Happy 100th International Women’s Day! What are you going to do today to honor and support international women’s rights? Sparking a conversation is the first step towards change!
Happy International Women’s Day! Buona festa della donna! How do you say “Happy International Women’s Day” in your language?