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Category: Blog Posts

Watch Out Mayor Bloomberg Here Comes Congress Member Weiner

Congress Member Anthony Weiner campaigning for Mayor in LIC Queens back in 2005

Watch out Mayor Bloomberg, Congress Member Anthony Weiner is catching up to you in the race for New York City Mayor in 2009. A new poll was released yesterday by New York 1. The New York 1 poll has Mayor Michael Bloomberg leading U.S. Congress Member Anthony Weiner 43%-36% with 17% still undecided.  The poll also had Mayor Bloomberg with a 64% approval rating.  The New York 1 poll has Mayor Bloomberg leading NYC Comptroller Bill Thompson 45%-32% with 19% still undecided.  These numbers are sure to send shockwaves through New York City political circles. Look for the 2009 Mayoral election to heat up real soon.

New Poll Released In 2010 NY Governors Race

If the 2010 race for New York Governor were held today, the race would be pretty tight. According to the Siena College survey, Governor David Paterson leads NYS Attorney General Andrew Cuomo 35%-32%. The Siena College Survey also has Governor David Paterson leading Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani 44%-42%.  The poll also showed that if Attorney General Andrew Cuomo were to face Mayor Giuliani he would defeat him 48%-39%.  This poll is sure to shake things up in Albany, and the next few months should be a very interesting time in New York State politics. We will bring you more information as soon as we receive it.

Congratulations New York State Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith


The New York State Young Democrats would like to congratulate State Senator Malcolm Smith on being elected as the majority leader of the New York State Senate. We are so proud that after many years of hard work the Democratic Party has retaken the majoirty in the New York State Senate. We look foward to our continued work with Majority Leader Smith and the rest of the new Democratic majority in Albany to increase our new majority.

Pell Grant Sponsor Dead At 90

Former United States Senator Claiborne Pell died yesterday at age 90. Senator Pell died after a very long battle with Parkinson’s disease.  Senator Claiborne Pell (D-Rhode Island) served six terms as Senator from 1961 to 1997.


Senator Claiborne Pell was best known as the sponsor of the “Basic Educational Opportunity Grants Program’ which was passed in 1972. This program later became known as the Pell Grant in 1980. Pell Grants provideds  billions of dollars to young people looking to attend college.

The New York State Young Democrats mourn the passing of Senator Pell and on behalf of all the young people who have benefited from Pell Grants we would like to say thank you to Senator Pell. You will certaintly be missed.

Saving The Best For Last: Obama picks Solis as Labor Secretary

UNION YES! Then-State Senator Hilda Solis demonstrating with members of UNITE HERE to protect prevailing wage standards for state government contracts, which was vetoed by Governor Pete Wilson
Rep. Hilda Solis (D-CA) addresses the Democratic National Convention in August. President-elect Barack Obama has nominated Solis to become Secretary of Labor.
Rep. Hilda Solis joins fellow Congress Members Rosa DeLauro, Jan Schakowski and George Miller along with Former Miss America Carolyn Sapp and AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Linda Chavez-Thompson in 2005. This was a campaign called “Love Mom, Not Wal-Mart” protesting against gender discrimination within the conglomerate. Behind them is a giant Mother’s Day card which all signed.

Throughout her years in Congress, Hilda Solis has been one of the most ardent supporters of the middle class around the country. Rep. Solis has a near perfect voting record when it comes to the interests of working families, according to In fact, when it comes to the most important issue to unions today, the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), Rep. Solis signed on as a co-sponsor to the bill introduced by fellow California Congressman, Rep. George Miller (D-CA). When the debate on EFCA hit the House floor, Hilda Solis made no bones about her strong support for the passage of the bill.

As a third generation member of a union, and a second generation union officer, I will be proud to have Hilda Solis heading the Department of Labor.

Change is coming.

Which side are you on?

Is Mayor Bloomberg A Democrat, Republican or Independent?

(New York, NY)

On Thursday October 2, 2008 New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that he was interested in seeking a third term as Mayor of New York City. The biggest question lately is what party would Mayor Bloomberg run as? Would he seek another term as a Republican, would he run as an Independent, would he create a new party, would he run as a Democrat or would he run on all lines.

Bloomberg Clinton

It has been reported that at a press conference at City Hall today a reporter asked the Mayor about the trend that he has been trying to associate himself lately with important leaders in the Democratic Party.  The reporter noted that the Mayor was set to appear on New Year’s Eve with President Clinton and Senator Clinton. Bloomberg said “I don’t know that my links to the Democrats are growing any more than my links to Republicans, who are not growing, depending on who you ask.”

We would like to hear what you think about Mayor Bloombergs re-election bid and what party you think he should as. Maybe Mayor Bloomberg should not run at all. That would certainly solve all of our problems.


(Albany, New York) – Congress Member-Elect Paul Tonko was officially sworn in as Congress Member of the 21st Congressional District this morning. The New York State Young Democrats & The Albany County Young Democrats would like to congratulate Mr. Tonko and we look foward to working with him in the future. We would also like to thank Congress Member Mike McNulty for all of his years of service to the residents of the 21st Congressional District.

Semi-Sweet Caroline?

A new poll was released today by Quinnipac University. The poll showed that voters are split on whether Caroline Kennedy is qualified to be the next U.S. Senator to fill Senator Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat should she be confirmed to be the next Secretary of State.

According to the poll “New York State voters split 40 – 41 percent on whether Caroline Kennedy is qualified to be a U.S. Senator, but they expect by a 48 – 25 percent margin that Gov. David Paterson will name her to the Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Offered a choice, 33 percent of voters say Gov. Paterson should name Ms. Kennedy, while 29 percent say Attorney General Andrew Cuomo should get the nod.  Another 4 percent pick Albany-area U.S. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, while 24 percent want someone else and 10 percent are undecided, the independent Quinnipiac University poll finds. Kennedy leads Cuomo 42 – 27 percent among New York City voters and ties Cuomo  30 – 30 percent among suburban voters, while Cuomo leads 31 – 27 percent among upstate voters.  Men back Kennedy over Cuomo 32 – 27 percent while women back her 33 – 31 percent. Republicans prefer Cuomo 33 – 20 percent while Democrats back Kennedy 41 – 27 percent and independent voters back Cuomo 33 – 30 percent”.
Caroline Kennedy
So the big question of the day is what do the Young Democrats of New York State think about Caroline Kennedy’s qualifications. We want to hear from you! Feel free to post your comments on who you think Governor Paterson should pick to be our next Senator. If you have some free time please visit our new web page at and vote for who you think should be the next senator.

Too Much Oil?

potato_latkes_for_chanukah2Tonight Jews around the world, including a few million in the state of New York lit candles in celebration of the first night of Chanukah. Jews around the world exchanged gifts and ate food packed with oil. My house was no exception- I got some cool stuff including a book called “The American Wife” loosely based on Laura Bush. My mom made soufgiyot (doughnuts) and I made latkes (potato pancakes), both fried in oil!

Later I went on my computer and started talking to my friend about Chanukah and how problematic it was that we had a holiday based on oil. Now, I didn’t mean it from a religious point of view. I don’t have a theological problem with the holiday. It is a nice story of heroes, miracles, and the Maccabbees. No, my problem is with the observance. My problem is with the oil. After all, living in suburban NY, I am constantly reminded by NYC Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, that oil and fat are unhealthy. So how do we make a holiday about oil healthy? How do we justify the few times of year we splurge for 8 nights on Latkes and doughnuts?
Oil has been on the brains of NYers and Americans for the past several months. First we were paying too much for it, now not as much, but no one has any money left to take advantage of the low oil prices and travel for the holidays is at a low. With a recent bailout plan for the Big 3 Auto industry, there was much talk of energy efficiency and hybrid cars. As heating bills increase consumers think of alternative ways to heat their homes and offices. So maybe I should look into alternative ways to make my latkes? Maybe I should re-think the doughnuts? For our Christian friends, how about Christmas lights? Are they worth the energy? Or maybe we should just deal with this next year—after the holidays….

…either way something to think about. Happy Chanukah☺