The Albany Times Union Reports State Senator John Sampson (D) supports Majority Leader Malcolm Smith.
“Sen. John L. Sampson, the Kings County Democrat, said he is supporting ‘Majority Leader’ Malcolm Smith and disavowed claims that he was taking over the Democratic conference as minority leader. He said he respects Sen. Pedro Espada, who received 32 votes on Monday to become the president pro tem of the 62-member Senate, and will continue having discussions with him. But his loyalty, he said, remains with Smith/”
Below is a list of 10 key things about Sonia Sotomayor that you might not know. Can you check it out and send it to 10 friends today? If each of us forwards the list, we can start to get the word out about Judge Sotomayor, and help to ensure that she gets a speedy and fair confirmation process.
Ten Things To Know About Judge Sonia Sotomayor
1. Judge Sotomayor would bring more federal judicial experience to the bench than any Supreme Court justice in 100 years. Over her three-decade career, she has served in a wide variety of legal roles, including as a prosecutor, litigator, and judge.
2. Judge Sotomayor is a trailblazer. She was the first Latina to serve on the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and was the youngest member of the court when appointed to the District Court for the Southern District of New York. If confirmed, she will be the first Hispanic to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court.
3. While on the bench, Judge Sotomayor has consistently protected the rights of working Americans, ruling in favor of health benefits and fair wages for workers in several cases.
4. Judge Sotomayor has shown strong support for First Amendment rights, including in cases of religious expression and the rights to assembly and free speech.
5. Judge Sotomayor has a strong record on civil rights cases, ruling for plaintiffs who had been discriminated against based on disability, sex and race.
6. Judge Sotomayor embodies the American dream. Born to Puerto Rican parents, she grew up in a South Bronx housing project and was raised from age nine by a single mother, excelling in school and working her way to graduate summa cum laude from Princeton University and to become an editor of the Law Journal at Yale Law School.
7. In 1995, Judge Sotomayor “saved baseball” when she stopped the owners from illegally changing their bargaining agreement with the players, thereby ending the longest professional sports walk-out in history.
8. Judge Sotomayor ruled in favor of the environment and against business interests in 2007 in a case of protecting aquatic life in the vicinity of power plants, a decision that was overturned by the Roberts Supreme Court.
9. In 1992, Judge Sotomayor was confirmed by the Senate without opposition after being appointed to the bench by George H.W. Bush.
10. Judge Sotomayor is a widely respected legal figure, having been described as “…an outstanding colleague with a keen legal mind,” “highly qualified for any position in which wisdom, intelligence, collegiality and good character would be assets,” and “a role model of aspiration, discipline, commitment, intellectual prowess and integrity.”
Judge Sotomayor is an historic, uniquely qualified nominee to the Supreme Court. Let’s get the word out and make sure we get a prompt, fair confirmation on her nomination.
On Tuesday April 21, 2009 the New York State Young Democrats Executive Committee on behalf of the New York States Young Democrats adopted the following resolution supporting Same Sex Marriage in New York State.
(Sponsored By NYSYD President Matthew Silverstein & NYSYD Executive Vice President Ben Jakes-Johnson, GLBT Caucus Jessica Teicher, YDA Secretary Stephanie Hausner, NYSYD Secretary Tajian Jones, NYSYD National Committeeman Dustin Hausner, NYSYD National Committeewoman Kate O’Hagen, NYSYD Council Of Presidents Chair Chris Smith, NYSYD Labor Caucus Chair Michael Corbett, YDA Organizing Director Joe McNearney)
WHEREAS, the New York State Young Democrats support all efforts to afford equal protection under the law to New York State citizens regardless of race, religion, gender, disability and sexual orientation;
WHEREAS, same gender couples, opposite gender couples, and their families are equal under the New York State Constitution and equally deserve the protections and happiness of marriage;
WHEREAS, civil union does not mean marriage;
WHEREAS, equal marriage will promote and protect the happiness and well-being of same gender couples and same gender attracted youth and adults;
WHEREAS, Governor David Paterson’s Marriage Equality Program Bill would amend the Domestic Relations Law to give same-sex couples the opportunity to enter into civil marriages. It would mandate that all provisions of State law be construed to encompass same-sex marriages, consistent with the legislation’ s intent, regardless of whether they use gender-specific or gender-neutral terms. As a result of this legislation, same-sex spouses would enjoy the same legal status and treatment under New York law as heterosexual couples, on issues such as property ownership, inheritance, health care, and insurance coverage.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New York State Young Democrats Executive Committee on behalf of the New York State Young Democrats, enthusiastically supports the passage of Governor David Paterson’s Marriage Equality Program Bill to end legal discrimination against same sex couples and recognizes the fundamental civil right of marriage to promote the happiness and well-being of all couples.
The Federal Government announced yesterday that one in every ten Americans have received food stamps. This now means that 32.2 million Americans receive food stamps. I was reading about this increase in foood stamp enrollment and I started to wonder how many New York State Young Democrats either have ever heard about food stamp or how many of our members actually receive food stamps?
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture “The Food Stamp Program helps people with little or no income buy nutritious food. Food stamp benefits are not cash. They come on an electronic EBT card that you use like a bank card to buy food. Most grocery stores take food stamp benefits. To get food stamp benefits, your income and other resources have to be under certain limits”.
Generally speaking if your gross monthly income is $1,107.00 or less, you will most likely be eleigible for food stamps. If you would like to see if you might be eligible to get food stamps, visit . If you would like to find your local food stamp office please call 1-800-221-5689 or visit
For the month of January the average benefit for food stamp recepients (per person) in New York was $112.82. I strongly encourage all New York State Young Democrats to research this program and if you know someone who might be eligible to receive food stamps educate them about the program and try to convince them to join.
New York State’s Senior United States Senator Chuck Schumer came out in support of same sex marriage yesterday. In an email statement Senator Schumer said “It’s time”. “Equality is something that has always been a hallmark of America and no group should be deprived of it”. Senator Schumer had previously been a supporter of Civil Unions but not gay marriage. Senator Schumer now joins NYC Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Paterson, and U.S. Senator Gillibrand who all support same sex marriage. NYSYD commends Senator Schumer for switching his position on this issue.
For a change there is some good news regarding Governor David Paterson. In an Albany press conference earlier today with other Democratic leaders, the Governor announced that he was dropping his idea to create a new tax on iTunes, Soda, Haircuts, Health Clubs and Theatre tickets. The Governor said that he will use money NY is going to receive from the Federal Stimulus Package to roll back these taxes. I don’t understand why the Governor decided in the first place to propose these new “regressive” taxes which appeared were aimed at our generation. I urge everyone to call Governor Paterson and commend him for not moving forward with these new taxes. I don’t know about all of you but I feel we are all in enough debt as is.
By Al Benninghoff – MYD President & NYC Volunteer Coordinator for Scott Murphy For Congress
You may have heard about the special election on March 31st to fill the congressional seat left vacant by the recent appointment of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. You may also know that we are supporters of the Democratic Candidate in that race, Scott Murphy. Unfortunately, too many people don’t realize that the race is less than 4 weeks away or think that this race is in the bag. It is not!
The Republican Nominee in this race is Assemblyman Jim Tedisco, the current Republican Leader of the NYS Assembly. His candidacy has brought on the full onslaught of the Republican Machine. They’re throwing every dollar and ounce of influence they have into this race because they want to make this race a referendum on President Obama’s economic policy. Think about the message it would send to the rest of the country if the Republicans squeeze out a victory in our backyard at a time when the media is looking for any event to gauge public reaction to the fiscal crisis. It could undermine everything we are trying to do in Washington. We need your help, and we need it now.
Here are five (5) things you can do:
1) PHONE BANK any day of the week. Weekdays from 6PM to 9PM and weekends from 12PM to 8PM at the NYS Democratic Party Headquarters (461 Park Avenue South @ 31st St., 10th Floor). Bring your friends. R.S.V.P. for any of the phone banks on our website at
2) JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP “NYC for Scott Murphy” and invite your friends to join:
3) LISTEN TO SCOTT IN PERSON on March 12th at Retreat Lounge (37 W 17th Street @ 5th Ave). This event will be hosted by DL21C, and they’re charging $7 for admission. R.S.V.P. here. (
4) CONTRIBUTE at and learn about Scott.
5) FORWARD this message to all of your friends to get the word out about this campaign and Scott Murphy.
A little bit about Scott Murphy:
Saving and creating jobs, growing small businesses, and finding new ways to tackle old problems – these are the things Scott has done successfully for more than 15 years.
While professional politicians just talk about the need to create jobs, Scott has first-hand experience actually creating them. He’s built successful companies, helped create over 1,000 jobs, and worked to make small businesses the economic engines of their communities. Scott’s been blessed to live the American dream. After graduating from Harvard, Scott became a high-tech entrepreneur. He founded Small World Software, later sold to iXL. Scott has also worked as an aide to two Democratic Governors, Mel Carnahan and Roger Wilson, serving as the Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Roger Wilson of Missouri.
Get active, get involved, invite your friends, change the world!
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis is all smiles at the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing earlier this month.
After weeks of stalling on the part of the Republicans, the full US Senate voted to confirm Hilda Solis as the Secretary of Labor. The 80-17 vote officially ends the eight years of a business oriented department and shifts the balance of power back to the working class and labor unions. Now, with Secretary Solis at the helm, we can feel more confident that the Department of Labor will protect and promote union interests and that the Labor Movement will remain strong, especially in this time of economic uncertainty. In fact, I am reminded of how much the election of a Democratic President and appointment of a strong, progressive woman as Secretary of Labor effected our country similarly during the height of the Great Depression.
In 1932, the country rallied behind a governor from New York who made a pledge: a New Deal for the American People. After taking office, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt acted swiftly on many fronts. This included what can arguably the most import Cabinet appointment in the history of the United States. President Roosevelt tapped his longtime friend Frances Perkins to become Secretary of Labor. Perkins’ name into the history books immediately as the first woman in the Cabinet, and thus the first to enter the Presidential Line of Succession. However, Frances Perkins mark on history did not end there. Over the course of the FDR Administration, it was Secretary Perkins who set the tone.
Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins guided the New Deal, whether it was advising FDR (left) or supporting Collective Bargaining rights of Pennsylvania Steelworkers (right, with hat on shaking hands)
It is she who convinced President Roosevelt not send federal troops to San Francisco to stop a Longshoremens’ strike. History now remembers this as the San Francisco General Strike of 1934, which led to the unionization of all the ports on the West Coast. Also in 1934, Secretary Perkins was touring steel mills in Pennsylvania when she asked the town of Homestead for meeting space. When the mayor refused to allow such a meeting on city property, Perkins found an alternative venue and held the meeting anyway, informing the workers of their Collective Bargaining rights.
Frances Perkins was also a force in the Capitol as well. In fact, you can link most of the main pieces of legislation that ended the Great Depression to the Secretary of Labor. From the Fair Labor Standards Act, which established minimum wage and overtime standards, to the revolutionary Social Security Act of 1935, just to name a few, the name Frances Perkins is written all over the New Deal. It is also a name which you see each time you enter the Department of Labor, which is housed in the Frances Perkins Building. Not to put all of this pressure on the incoming Secretary of Labor, but for the United States to climb out of the depths of this recession, Hilda Solis must become our Frances Perkins, the voice of the working class.
President-elect Barack Obama looks on as his nominee for Secretary of Labor, Representative Hilda Solis (D-CA), talks to the media.
In December, the president-elect nominated then-Representative Hilda Solis (D-CA) to join his Cabinet as Labor Secretary. That’s when the right wing circled the wagons, hoping to shoot down the chances of having Secretary of Labor that has long been a supporter of unions. After seeing Cabinet Member after Cabinet Member pass through confirmation, it finally came time for Secretary of Labor. The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) heard the testimony of Hilda Solis in early February. After numerous delays, the committee approved the nomination by voice vote and sent the confirmation to the Senate Floor. Members of both parties praised Solis. “Hilda Solis comes from a working family herself so she understands how the troubled economy is hurting average Americans. American workers deserve to have her voice and her leadership as their Secretary of Labor, and I’m pleased that our committee approved her,” said Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Chairman of the HELP Committee. Ranking minority member Senator Michael Enzi (R-WY) added, “I look forward to working with her in her new Cabinet position as Secretary of Labor and her staff on the this and the many other labor and economic issues facing our country.”
The full Senate voted in favor to confirm on February 24, and the vote included a majority of the Republican caucus voting for the confirmation.
Now that we can officially say Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, the initiatives are simple…Employee Free Choice Act, revamping the National Labor Relations Board, increase the minimum wage. These are just some the issues that will come across Secretary Solis’ desk in the coming weeks and months. I am confident that under her leadership, this country will once again flourish as it has in the past- under the strength of the middle class and working families. I am proud to call Hilda Solis Secretary of Labor, and look froward to a brighter future for the Labor Movement. I have no doubt Hilda Solis will be today what Frances Perkins was to our grandparents- a Champion.
Yesterday, Kirsten Gillibrand was sworn in as the Junior United State Senator from New York. After a long wait to find out who would fill the vacancy left by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, we got an answer and, as we have done as a party over the last year, unite around the choice. However, many New York Democrats have refused to even give Senator Gillibrand a chance.
Governor David Paterson appointed then-Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand to the vacant US Senate seat shortly after Inauguration. There was an almost instantaneous reaction, but it was a surprise to me that the negative reaction came from many Empire State Democrats. Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-Long Island) all but announced she will run in the Democratic primary election next year after appearing on cable news programs. The congresswoman, whose husband was killed and son injured by a gunman on the Long Island Railroad, based her decision on the National Rifle Association’s previous support of Senator Gillibrand. In addition, New York City Council Councilman Joel Rivera (D-Bronx) organized a protest on the steps of City Hall based on the senator’s immigration stance.
As we know, Kirsten Gillibrand comes from a highly conservative area of New York State, and her political views are representative of that of her district. This point only makes sense, considering my views represent a lifelong resident of Manhattan. The 20th district emcompasses parts of ten counties in an area that almost completely surrounds Albany. In running for Congress in 2006, Gillibrand was running against a strong incumbent in Representative John Sweeney. During the race, Gillibrand meshed her core Democratic values to those of her fellow residents of the 20th. Although a recording of a 911 call made by Sweeney’s wife claiming domestic abuse probably put her over the top, Gillibrand would not have been close had her viewpoints been as liberal as someone from New York City.
The logo of the Blue Dog Conservative Democrats
The Democratic Congressional candidates who were victorious in 2006 were mostly Conservative Democrats, known as “Blue Dog Democrats,” a coalition of moderate and conservative Democratic members of the House of Representatives. There are currently 47 members of the coalition, including Congressman Michael Arcuri (D-NY) and former Congresswoman Gillibrand. Without them, Republicans may have stayed in the majority in 2006, which may have led to a different result in the recent Presidential Election. As I mentioned, these are not your cookie-cutter Democrats, as they come from conservative areas of their respective states.
There is no precedent however to Blue Dog representatives becoming Senators; Kirsten Gillibrand will be the first. Now we come back to fellow Democrats objections to the appointment of Gillibrand to the United States Senate. I do agree that representing a conservative congressional district do not allow for one to be as liberal as the whole of New York State would prefer. However, in the past week, Senator Gillibrand has been more than receptive to speak with those who may be concerned with her viewpoints. I am optimistic that over the next few months, we will discover a more liberal Gillibrand than we have previously seen. This is why I wish my fellow New York Democrats would hold their criticism until Senator Gillibrand has a chance to get her feet wet in her new job. I also think it is wrong to judge someone on only one political viewpoint, such as gun control or immigration. The fact that the NRA has given Gillibrand a 100% rating on issues relating to gun owners has been mentioned at length. However, I have heard very little about the fact that Gillibrand also garners a 100% rating from the American Civil Liberties Union, and her views on a woman’s right to choose and laws protecting gay couples are consistent with the Democratic party platform.
Congresswoman Gillibrand campaigning for re-election last year with President Bill Clinton.
Personally, I would like to focus on the positive reasons behind the appointment of Kirsten Gillibrand. The first that sticks out is that at 42 years old, Gillibrand is now the youngest member of the United States Senate. Considering the average age of Senators is 62, I am encouraged that somone from my own state is now, for all intents and purposes, the Young Democrat in the Senate. In addition, there are still 17 women remaining in the Senate chamber. Considering the previous holder of this seat just made 16 million cracks in the glass ceiling and, more importantly, the subsequent damage done by the unfortunate vice presidential campaign by Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK), I feel it was important to appoint another strong woman to this office. I can think of few who fit that description as well as Kirsten Gillibrand. Finally, I feel strongly that this seat will safely remain in Democratic hands for years to come. Not only does Gillibrand give an upstate-downstate balance to New York’s two US Senate seats, but her approval rating among New York Republicans is even higher than that of Democrats throughout the state. Combine this with the fact that Gillibrand raised in excess of $4.6 million for her reelection bid this past year, outraising her opponent and former Republican State Chair Sandy Treadwell 4-to-1 in the most expensive Congressional race in 2008 (Note: Though Treadwell had over $7 million in his campaign account, he only “raised” $1.1 million, while self-financing the campaign to the tune of $5.9 million; he still lost). Put simply, Kirsten Gillibrand is what can only be called a political powerhouse for the Democratic party, and will be for years to come.
In short, I want to express my great pleasure in the appointment of Kirsten Gillibrand as the Junior United State Senator from New York. Together with Senior Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), we have two people in Washington, DC that will continue to bring resources, prowess, and pride back home to us here in the Empire State. Things continue to look bright here in New York…or should I say, bright blue!