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Western Vice President Special Election

WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Western Vice President of the New York State Young Democrats due to the resignation of Vice President Heather Neu.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, PATRICK JORDAN, President of the New York State Young Democrats, pursuant to Article V, Section 7 of the New York State Young Democrats Constitution, do hereby order and proclaim that an election for the office Western Vice President be held on the twenty-fifth day of February, two thousand eighteen and that such election is to be conducted in the manner prescribed by said section the New York State Young Democrats Constitution with the Presidents of the chapters which constitute the respective regions of the New York State Young Democrats, pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of the New York State Young Democrats Bylaws, serving as the designated electors and that all perspective candidates shall apply no later than the eighteenth day of February, two thousand eighteen.

GIVEN under my hand in the City of New York, Borough of Queens this thirtieth day of January in the year two thousand eighteen.