The recently released numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show a slight drop below 25 percent of workers unionized. While New York is still the most unionized state in the country, the BLS reminds us that union rates have slowly fallen.
Much of this decrease is likely due to job losses during this tough period. Consequentially, we continue to support Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s efforts to invigorate the private sector through the state budget. New York is the best place to do business in the country and the state should help stimulate business development. We support Gov. Cuomo’s budget proposals where they help create private-sector jobs. It is even more important that newly created jobs pay a fair wage, provide for worker dignity and accept unionization.
We also recognize that excessive burdens placed on our hard-working teachers, police officers, firefighters and other public servants harms New York’s future. The pain of budget balancing should be shared by all, not placed solely on the backs of workers. New York’s union members are ready, as they always are, to do their part for their communities. Our state government should meet them halfway, and consider carefully potential consequences to working New Yorkers.
This letter appeared in the Journal News on February 8th, 2011.
The Department of Labor’s report can be found here.