Clarkstown Councilwoman Re-Elected to National Democratic Post
William Demarest, New City Patch, July 19, 2010
Clarkstown Town Board member Stephanie Hausner has been re-elected to serve as the Young Democrats of America DNC Woman.
She was re-elected at the YDA Summer Meeting in Washington, D.C., along with a new president of the national youth outreach arm of the Democratic National Committee.
Hausner will continue to be responsible for helping shape the direction of the Young Democrats of America. In her position as DNC Woman, she is one of nine national officers elected every two years. These officers include, president, three vice presidents, treasurer, secretary and YDA DNC man and woman.
During her time as the YDA DNC Woman, Hausner has been able to advocate for youth in New York and has been a leading voice at the national level on behalf of her home state.
“I am incredibly thankful to YDA for once again trusting me to represent young Americans on the DNC,” Hausner said. “I’m excited to continue to work with leaders from across our country so that together we can maintain the momentum that the young Democrats started in 2004, which reached record heights in 2008, and will continue to soar in 2010.”
“In what is clearly a crucial election year it is extremely reassuring to know that New York will continue to have an advocate at the National level,” said New York State Young Democrats President Kevin Lawrie. “Obviously Democrats all over the country have a lot at stake this year and New York is no different. Stephanie’s experience and connections with the DNC will help tap into necessary resources that will help get out the vote in November.”
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