Article I: Name and Mission
Section 1: Name
The name of this caucus shall be the LGBTQ+ Caucus.
Section 2
This caucus shall be a subsidiary organization of the New York State Young Democrats and shall be subject to all regulations set forth by it.
Section 3: Mission
The LGBTQ+ Caucus of the New York State Young Democrats is committed to increasing visibility and advocating for the LGBTQ+ Community in both the Democratic Party and the local, state and national government. The Caucus is dedicated to building a network of LGBTQ+ professionals across NY State who are committed to political activism for our shared progressive values. We empower LGBTQ+ individuals to get involved in the political process, and support LGBTQ+ Democratic candidates across NY State.
Article II: Membership
Section 1 Eligibility:
Section 1.1: Membership Definition for Voting
Section 1.2 General Membership
Any member of any chapter of the New York State Young Democrats is eligible to sign up for membership if they so choose.
Article III: Elections
Section 1
The assembled caucus members at each New York State Young Democrats Convention shall elect a Chair.
Section 1.1
All candidates for Chair and all electors must be eligible caucus members as defined by Article I of these bylaws.
Section 2:
The Chair shall be determined by the candidate who has received a simple majority of the total votes cast.
Section 2.1
Candidates for Chair must submit their candidacy, in writing, to the current chair, at least 10 days before the start of the convention.
Section 2.2
Candidates for Chair may be elected in absentia provided that the nominator has been informed by the candidate that the nomination would be accepted.
Section 3:
In the event of a contested election for Chair, voting shall recommence with the candidate receiving the fewest votes being eliminated until a winner has been determined. The assembled caucus members may vote with a simple majority to elect co-chairs in the event of a contested election.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1: Chair
The duties of the Chair are to:
- Establish administrative procedures not otherwise provided for by these bylaws.
- Serve as presiding officer of all caucus meetings.
- Act for and on behalf of and in the interest of the caucus, its members, and its stated mission.
- Appoint the Vice Chair, Financial Coordinator, Communications Coordinator and Political Coordinator
- Represent the caucus and its interests as a member of the Executive Committee of the New York State Young Democrats and attend all of its meetings. When the attendance of the Chair is not possible they shall appoint a suitable replacement, give said person their proxy, any necessary instructions and reports to present to the Executive Committee. After the meeting, the chair or person holding the chair’s proxy will debrief the meeting with the executive board of the LGBTQ+ Caucus.
Section 2: Vice Chair
The duties of the Vice Chair are to :
- Maintain all records, votes, correspondences, lists of members with necessary and proper contact information, minutes of meetings, and related affairs.
- Act in the stead of the Chair when necessary.
- Assist the Chair.
Section 3: Financial Coordinator
The duties of the financial coordinator are to:
- Maintain all financial records
- Serve as the primary contact with the Treasurer on the NYSYD executive board.
- Handle all financial transactions
Section 4: Communications Coordinator
The duties of the Communications Coordinator
- Curate, finalize and approve all communication from the LGBTQ+ Caucus
- Serve as the primary contact with the communications director of the NYSYD executive board.
- Maintain and publish the schedule of events
- Social Media
Section 5: Political Coordinator
The duties of the Political Coordinator
- Determine LGBTQ+ Races that should be targeted for possible endorsement
- To run campaign outreach events and build attendance for such campaign days
- Coordinate all other events and to be the contact for campaigns and elected offices in addition to the Chair to supplement that necessity.
Section 6: Vacancies
Section 6.1
In the event of a vacancy of Chair, a special election shall be called in accordance with Article VII, Section 4 of the New York State Young Democrats Constitution. During the time of the vacancy, the Vice Chair shall serve as the acting Chair.
Section 6.2
In the event of a vacancy of Vice Chair, Financial Coordinator, Communications Coordinator or Political Coordinator, the Chair shall choose a qualified member of the caucus, as defined by Article II of these bylaws to fill the vacancy.
Article V: Governing Rules
Section 1
These bylaws and, where relevant, the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of the caucus.
Section 2
These bylaws, the Constitution of the New York State Young Democrats, the Bylaws of the New York State Young Democrats, and the rules of the New York State Young Democrats Convention shall govern the caucus at convention insofar as they do not conflict or contradict. In the event of a conflict or contradiction of any of the aforementioned governing documents, the convention parliamentarian shall arbitrate.
Article VI: Amendments
Section 1
Amendments to these bylaws must be submitted to the Chair and Vice-Chair no later than thirty (30) days prior to the New York State Young Democrats biennial convention for distribution to the caucus membership for consideration.
Section 1.1
Only amendments proposed by eligible members as defined by Article II of these bylaws may be considered.
Section 2
All amendments proposed shall be adopted at the caucus meeting at the New York State Young Democrats Convention upon a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the caucus membership assembled and upon the ratification by the Executive Committee of the New York State Young Democrats.
Article VII: Adoption
Section 1
These bylaws shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the Executive Committee of the New York State Young Democrats.
Section 1.1
All amendments to these bylaws shall be subject to ratification by the Executive Committee of the New York State Young Democrats.