The Albany Times Union reports on video of Orange County Young Democrats President Zachary Constantine speaking at a Goshen Town Board meeting about their plans to ban the sale of cannabis going viral on TikTok.
@zacharyconstantine Local board meetings in Upstate NY are fun. You should go sometime. ##NY ##NewYork ##legalizeit ##speakup ##government ##politics
♬ original sound – Zak
Check out NYSYD President Jovan Richards on PBS’s MetroFocus discussing local politics with The City‘s Alyssa Katz and former NYC Board of Elections President JC Polanco.
Check out some of the recent coverage NYSYD has recieved after calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign.
- WGRB, March 2, 2021: With Gov. Cuomo under scrutiny, a challenge for lawmakers who have deadlines looming
- WGRB, March 2, 2021: The call for Cuomo to resign, now coming from young democrats
- WKBW, March 2, 2021: Poloncarz calls governor’s alleged actions “creepy”
- Politico New York, March 2, 2021: Allegations against Cuomo become headache for Democrats from Albany to Washington
- Olean Times Herald, March 2, 2021: Young Democrats of Catt County call on Cuomo to resign
- The Daily News, March 3, 2021: NY lawmakers debate Cuomo’s resignation
- News 10 ABC, March 3, 2021: New York State Young Democrats respond to Cuomo’s apology
- City Limits, March 5, 2021: A List of Those Calling for Cuomo’s Resignation or Impeachment
- City and State NY, March 9, 2021: Notable lawmakers calling for Cuomo to resign
The Wall Street Journal explains the efforts 2019 Alumni of the Year and NYDLC Executive Director Liza Abraham and Brooklyn Young Democrats Executive Vice President Julia Elmaleh-Sachs are doing to protect the right to vote this November.
Check out Broadway World’s story about the Manhattan Young Democrats partnering with 5th Floor Theatre Company for an off-Broadway production of Farragut North, a play by Beau Willimon (creator of the U. S. version of House of Cards).
Check out Young Democrats of America Disability Issues Caucus Chair Seamus Campbell’s letter to the editor in the Albany Times Union about the legal need for accessible college websites and the recent changes to YDA rules requiring Section 508 compliance.
When reading the article “Lawsuits target colleges over access to websites,” Dec. 5, I was troubled to hear that the defendants find the case to be frivolous when, they, in fact, did not create their websites using proper web standards and are, in fact, violating federal law.
When the HTML format was created more than 20 years ago, the World Wide Web’s creator, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, wanted to ensure the web was accessible to everyone. For that reason, things like labels for form items and alternative text for images (which read out descriptions of different elements within a web page to those using assistive technologies like screen readers) are required in order to have valid HTML code, according to the standards set by the W3C – the governing body on web standards.
Furthermore, practically every college in the United States is required to have accessible websites because, under the Rehabilitation Act, any institution that receives any sort of federal funding must provide accommodations to students or prospective students with disabilities. Section 508 of that law is what sets those federal standards, and the website for it is a good resource for people to see what is required of them to create accessible digital content.
In the Young Democrats of America, because we believe our members should have access to the information we disseminate, regardless of disability, we recently passed rules changes to require all of our communications to follow Section 508 guidelines and it is my hope that other institutions will do the same.
Seamus Campbell
New York City
Chair, Young Democrats of America Disability Issues Caucus

Piece by the Staten Island Advance about the Young Democrats of Richmond County having a “Rainbow Run” to protest the organizers of the Staten Island St. Patrick’s Parade not allowing LGBTQ+ groups from marching.
NYSYD President Patrick Jordan quoted in The Daily News about formation of a Young Democrats chapter in Orleans County.
The New York State Young Democrats’ Candlelight Vigil and Donation Drive which raises funds for those impacted by Hurricane Harvey was reported on by CBS 2 in New York.
Queens County Young Democrats President and NYSYD National Committeewoman Stacey Eliuk discuss plans for her and the QCYD Executive Board for new membership outreach with the Times Ledger.