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Category: Blog Posts

New Siena Poll Has Bill Owens IN THE LEAD In The NY-23rd Special Election Race


Today’s Siena Research Institute Poll has Bill Owens IN THE LEAD in the NY-23rd special election race:

-33% Bill Owens (Democrat)homepage_pic
-29% Dede Scozzafava
-23% Doug Hoffman

That is an 11% point swing in just two weeks!  We are poised for an upset victory in the NY-23rd just like we did with Scott Murphy and the NY-20th.  But we can’t get there without your involvement.

This special election is 19 DAYS AWAY.

Come out to support Bill by joining with young professionals from across NYC on Monday night, October 19th, 2009, 7:00-9:00 at Red Sky Lounge (47 E. 29th Street).

Buy your tickets now at ACT BLUE:

We need your support THIS MONDAY NIGHT to help Bill grow his lead and win this race!

Thanks for being in the fight,
Rob Diamond

Want Change? Vote


Queens Chronicle – Thursday October 1, 2009
Want Change? Vote

Dear Editor:

Tuesday was special. On Tuesday democracy happened. On Tuesday there was a primary runoff election.

But as much as we talk about the greatness of democracy and our country, pundits predicted that less than 10 percent of the people reading this article would actually vote.I am writing to you today to ask you to prove these pundits wrong next time.I am asking you to vote and honor the thousands of people have died defending our country, ensuring that we have the right to vote.

Even in the 2008 elections — elections with historic voter turnout — one out of three Americans did not vote.In the 2009 Democratic primary on September 15, nearly nine out of 10 Democrats did not vote.Moreover, not even two-thirds of eligible New York citizens are registered to vote.Given that many city council districts lack Republican opposition, 7 percent of New Yorkers are deciding who is running much of New York City.

Then-Secretary of Education Terrel Bell’s 1983 observation about the state of education putting the nation at risk applies to our involvement in the democratic process today.If an unfriendly foreign power had prevented 90 percent of New Yorkers from voting, we would have viewed it as an act of war.Yet people choose to step out of the democratic process.Whether you are a first-time voter, or you missed the election on the 15th because you were busy: vote.If your city councilman is not listening to you: vote.If you like your representatives: vote.

Voting is our most basic means of keeping politicians honest.Having worked on several elections, I know there is one thing that politicians follow even more closely than polls: who voted.For example, why have politicians historically made more cuts to healthcare for the poor than healthcare for the elderly?Older people are more likely to vote than those living in poverty.If your community regularly goes to the polls, you will get the attention of politicians.

We can change the politics as usual that we see in City Hall, Albany and Washington, D.C.. The voices of the people can be heard above the propaganda of special interests.Whether the issue is achieving meaningful healthcare reform, providing quality education for our children or an energy policy that addresses global warming, in time, we can make these changes — but only if you step into the democratic process and vote.

Matt Bishop, Communications Director
Queens County Young Democrats


A Note From Senator Gillibrand On Health Care Reform


September 24, 2009
Dear Mr. Silverstein:

Thank you for writing to me about the current state of our healthcare system.  I share your concerns and am committed to finding a solution that will give quality, affordable health care to every American.

I believe that by opening up a not-for-profit public health plan like a “Medicare for all,” we can ensure that every American has access to quality, affordable healthcare where anyone could buy in at an affordable rate, such as 5% of their income.  In the world’s wealthiest nation, it’s unconscionable that people are turned away from coverage because of a pre-existing condition and that families are just one illness away from bankruptcy.

Offering a public health care plan option to compete with private insurers is the best way to truly lower health costs, improve quality of care and ensure access to care in rural and other underserved areas.  Injecting healthy competition into the health care market is the only way to achieve real health care reform.  I am committed to addressing this important issue and will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle toward a bipartisan solution.

 Again, thank you for contacting me about health care.  Please keep in touch with my office regarding any future legislation and concerns you may have.  For more information on this and other important issues being discussed in the United States Senate, please visit my website and sign up for my e-newsletter.

Sincerely Yours,

Kirsten Gillibrand
United States Senator

2009 YDA Fall Conference To Be Held In Orlando Florida

YDA President Crystal Strait announced this morning that the 2009 Fall Conference will be held in Orlando, Floriday November 20 – 22, 2009. Please look at Crystal’s Message below. If you are thinking about going to this conference please email NYSYD President Matthew Silverstein at

Message From YDA President Crystal Strait:

Now is the time for us to come together to get YDA working again. While in the past it was common for the Executive Committee to set the agenda for an administration, this time all of YDA‘s leadership, from the National Committee to Caucus and Committee leaders, will be planning out the future of our organization at our Fall Conference in sunny Orlando, Florida on November 20-22, 2009.

The clock is ticking on the 2010 Election season and this is our opportunity to plan our strategy for the next 11 months to continue engaging young voters and exercise our generation’s power by sending Democrats back to Congress and our state, commonwealth, and territorial capitals.

Fall Conference Schedule:

Take advantage of great savings with the Early Bird Registration for only $45. Prices will go up to $65 on October 15th at Midnight (Eastern) and will be good through November 18th at Midnight (Eastern). After this, you will have to register on-site in Orlando for $75.

Register For Conference:

Don’t forget to make your hotel reservations! We have a block of rooms reserved at the Orlando Doubletree Hotel for the bargain price of $89/night plus tax. You can make your reservation online with Group Code “YDA” or call 1-407-351-1000. Don’t forget to mention you are with the YDA group. The YDA room block closes October 28th at 5:00pm (Eastern).

Orlando Doubletree Hotel
5780 Major Blvd
Orlando, FL 32819

Resolution in Support of H.R. 1283, The Military Readiness Enhancement

Last night the New York State Young Democrats Executive Committee approved the following resolution….

Sponsored by the New York State Young Democrats

WHEREAS, Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans have served and continue to serve honorably in the United States Armed Forces; and

WHEREAS, the Armed Forces are weakened when competent and qualified individuals are involuntarily discharged solely due to their sexual orientation; and

WHEREAS, the National Defense Authorization Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-160) created the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy; and

WHEREAS, under the restrictions of the current policy, an average of two service members are discharged from the military every day simply due to their sexual orientation; and

WHEREAS, over 13,000 service members – the equivalent of 3 ½ combat brigades – have been discharged as a result of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell;” and

WHEREAS, in the last five years, while our country has been engaged in two wars, the military has discharged over 800 mission critical troops under of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” including over 50 Arabic linguists; and

WHEREAS, up to $1.3 billion in taxpayer money has been wasted discharging otherwise qualified troops under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell;” and

WHEREAS, it costs the military at least $60,000 to recruit and train each new service member, and much more to prosecute and pursue separations under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell;”

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New York State Young Democrats hereby supports H.R. 1283, the Military Readiness Enhancement Act, repealing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

Get Back Into The Fight

“For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die.”

These words have been used a lot over the past few weeks as the nation remembers Senator Edward Kennedy. Indeed, they are of particular relevance when considering the issue of health care reform and its impact on the millennial generation. Many critics have said lately that my generation has gone AWOL from this battle. Well consider this is a plea to my generation to get back into the fight.

The millennial generation is the largest uninsured demographic in America, with only 1 in 3 living with health insurance. In 2007 approximately 13.2 million young people were uninsured. Young people are especially vulnerable to the rising costs of health care. The price tag of individual health coverage, which is expected to reach over $16,000 in 2040, is already sprinting past $5,000 annually. More and more young people are incapable of purchasing even the most basic coverage plan. This leads to a higher rate of worker absenteeism due to preventable illnesses, which in turn decreases production and results in poorer economic performance. So why pass comprehensive reform? As James Carville once so succinctly put it, “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Health care reform is the single most important issue that faces the millennial generation. Too often the millennial generation walks around feeling young and indestructible, and not interested in old people issues. This is an attitude that we must correct before someone gets hurt. Health Care Reform was the dream and the life mission of the late Senator Kennedy. He might have passed the torch, but now we must be the ones who carry it across the finish line. If we truly are the next generation of American leaders, we must show that we are as passionate as Senator Kennedy was regarding this issue. If we do not act now, millions of our young brothers and sisters face the risk of getting sick and without proper health care coverage someone is going to get hurt or possibly die.

I encourage all millennials to make sure you voice is heard in this fight. Contact your elected representatives and make sure that they know just how important Health Care is to you. Attend Health Care Reform rallies to show you support this issue. Go to a Health Care Town Hall and participate in the debate. Just because we were the driving force behind the election of President Barack Obama does not mean the work stops there. We must support the President efforts to continue the cause of Senator Kennedy life. It is up to us to insure that the dream lives on.

Matthew Silverstein is 27 years old and is the President of the New York State Young Democrats, an organization which represents identified Democrats from ages 16-36 throughout the State of New York.

Stephanie Hausner Wins!

stephanie2The New York State Young Democrats would like to congratulate YDA DNC Woman Stephanie Hausner on her primary victory last night. Stephanie was running in the Clarkstown (NY) Town Council Democratic Primary. Stephanie finished FIRST in a three way primary. We are very proud of Stephanie and the work she has done. We are so luck to have her as a part of the NYSYD family.

The results are….

Stephanie Hausner – 1,680

Aney Paul – 1,562

John Maloney – 1,298