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Category: Blog Posts

Statement on Recent News

In light of recent events the New York State Young Democrats are taking the necessary actions to remove the person from all levels of the organization. NYSYD unequivocally condemns any such heinous crimes and/or actions. NYSYD believes that those charged with these crimes are entitled to their day in court, but that those convicted should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Statement on Comments Made at Convention

In light of comments of which I was made aware following convention, I want to make something perfectly clear about the board of the New York State Young Democrats: we will not tolerate any racially charged nor racially insensitive comments made by anyone who wants to be a member of this organization.

We will do anything and everything that we can do to tackle the issue of race. I will work with any chapter who asks, as well as the New York State Democratic Party, to fight this. If you have any statements on actions of individuals that were made at convention please report them to myself and any member of the board you wish to handle this. I will respond to any questions or comments as quickly as I can.

It is my belief that the diversity of this organization is one of its strongest as well as most important qualities. However, moving forward, I do want us all to have open and frank discussions and dialogues about how to address issues of race in the future of this organization.

NYSYD at the Women's March in NYC with the banner

NYSYD at the Women’s March on NYC

With chants like “This is what democracy looks like” and “Build a fence around Mike Pence,” today, January 21, 2017, the New York State Young Democrats participated in the Women’s March on New York City. Members from across the city and the Hudson Valley peacefully took to the streets of New York and we made our voices heard. Going from Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza to Trump Tower, throughout the day, we were joined by various elected officials including Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, Assemblywoman Rebecca Seawright, City Councilwoman Margaret Chin, and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer.

Photo of Amanda Pizzuti and Mike Corbett in the Women's March on New York City

Marching alongside 500,000 other New Yorkers and hundreds of thousands more in sister marches across the globe, we stood united in saying that we will not be silenced. We said that we will not stand idly by while a man who jokes about sexually assaulting women occupies the Oval Office. We showed we will fight back when our Commander in Chief insults the disabled, veterans, immigrants, minorities, Muslims, and women.

Photo of thousands of protesters along 42nd Street

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer today claimed that more people attended President Trump’s inauguration than both protests in D.C. or either of President Obama’s inaugurations and any photographs to the contrary are proof of media manipulation. From the outpouring I saw today, I would say that Mr. Spicer is perpetuating “fake news.”

Though we have had some setbacks, for the next 1,460 days, we must stand united and be vigilant. We must fight to ensure that our health care is not taken away. We must fight to protect the freedom of our press. We must fight to be protect the right to marry the person we love.

To quote a famous Democrat, “The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die.”

NYSYD Campaigning for State Senator Todd Kaminsky

2016 Campaign Season Recap

The numbers speak for themselves.

Doors knocked: 561,551
Calls Made: 1,311,300
Positive Identifications: 104,608
Volunteer Shifts: 1,347

That is what the New York State Young Democrats and their county chapters were able to do this year on Campaigns. Though the fruits of our labor were not as sweet as we wish they had been, we have worked harder and smarter than we ever have before – the impact of young dems speaks for itself.

Our work as an organization puts us in the same league as some of the largest unions and the numbers they are able to produce to support Democrats running for office. Through continued work and organization is my belief the issues of Young Democrats will continued to pushed forward within the Democratic party platform.

I would like to thank the leadership of the board under President Michael Corbett and Executive Vice President Tom Meier for making such Campaign efforts possible. And to thank all Young Democrats for their support in executing the campaign plan I had out together nearly 2 years ago that has led to this moment – in this holiday season all I have is thanks to give and hope for our next campaign cycle.

NYSYD Responds to Homophobic Young Republican Blog Post

I must express my disappointment on the recent post on the New York Young Republican Club (NYYRC) blog. In the article, the author was angry that the rainbow flag, a longstanding symbol of the LGBT movement, was hanging at a United States Embassy abroad. Although I would not be surprised if the Tea Party elements of the GOP expressed such views, I am quite shocked that the author was a member of my age group, one which, regardless of political affiliation, tends to be more tolerant of our differences.

According to the author, the problem stemmed from a friend of his visiting the American Embassy in London. While there, the friend took a photo of two rainbow flags draped near the entrance. While I agree such a showing might ruffle some feathers in certain parts of the world, let me reiterate that this was London. Why is this an important fact? Since March 13, legalized same-sex marriage is the law of the land in England.

The author also seemed upset that the rainbow flag flew at another embassy, but that country is Israel, where a 2009 poll shows that 61 percent support same-sex nuptials, a higher percentage than in recent surveys here in America, where 55 percent of respondents favor legal gay marriage.

The author added his objection to the high number of gay ambassadors who have been appointed by President Obama. To be honest, I didn’t know whether any of our diplomats were gay. That’s because the sexual orientation of our ambassadors is completely irrelevant to me. The only thing I care about is whether they are qualified to represent the United States abroad. Furthermore, to invoke the name of the late Christopher Stevens in this bigoted diatribe is unconscionable. It almost seems as if the author is insinuating that Ambassador Stevens was killed because he was gay.

Anyway, the post from the NYYRC blog has been removed. I am hopeful that, regardless of political affiliation, my generation will continue to strive for equality for all Americans.

Help David Weprin get elected to Congress!

Join the Queens County Young Democrats, Brooklyn Young Democrats, our friends at College Democrats of New York, St. John’s College Democrats and other organizations as we canvass in the 9th Congressional District for David Weprin.

Phone bank right from home!

If you’re unable to make it out and canvass, how about helping to make some phone calls – right from home? The DCCC has setup a quick and easy phone banking system that you can use from your own computer, just visit here:

Canvassing & Phone Bank Schedule

Saturday, September 10th
1:00pm -4:00pm
David Weprin Campaign HQ: 72-50 Austin Street
Pizza and Soda will be served!

There will be phone banking and canvassing everyday until election day on Tuesday (excluding Sunday). If you are interested in helping protect the progressive reforms that we know and love, you will stop by the Weprin Brooklyn campaign office at 77 Conklin Avenue. Details on times for phone banking and canvassing are below:

Saturday, September 10th
Phone Bank: 10am, 1pm, 4pm
Canvass: 1pm & 4pm

Sunday, September 11th
No Shifts

Monday, September 12th
Phone Bank 10am, 1pm, 5pm
Canvass 10am, 1pm, 5pm

Tuesday September 13th – ELECTION DAY
Phone Bank 10am 1pm, 4pm, 6pm

Canvass 1pm, 4pm, 6pm

Thank you all for your help and support!

Dial 4 Dems

Our friends at the College Democrats of New York, tomorrow, August 8, from 5:30 to 8:30 will be holding a phone-bank at Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s campaign office (15 W. 26th Street and Broadway, 4th Floor in Manhattan)
for Democrats that are running for the Wisconsin State Senate in recall elections in order to veto the draconian measures by Gov. Scott Walker.

If you need more details, do not hesitate to check out the Facebook event page at or contact CDNY Secretary Andy Laub.