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New NYS Young Dem Leadership Elected in Buffalo

Dear Fellow NYS Young Democrats and Supporters,

This past Tuesday May 30-31, the New York State Young Democrats hosted their 2006 State Convention in the great City of Buffalo, New York, where young Democrats heard from great speakers, made constitutional amendments changes, passed resolutions and elected new leadership for the 2006-2008 term.

The New York State Young Democrats bared witness to the New York State Democratic Party’s re-nominations of Senator Hillary Clinton, State Comptroller Alan Hevesi, the nominations for Governor, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, Lieutenant Governor, Senate Minority Leader David Paterson and for Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo.

I want to thank our Convention Chair, seasoned politico and past President Michael Arvanites for putting together a fantastic Convention that was filled with notable speakers, campaign training workshops lead by discussions on the intricacies of organizing and on the all too important ingredients for a winning campaign.

Additionally, want to thank our past NYS Young Dem Western VP Erie County Legislator Demone Smith for pulling off a fabulous Young Dems after convention party in co-sponsorship with DL21C.

Thank you also to our convention guest speakers NYSAttorney General ELIOT SPITZER, Congressman BRIAN HIGGINS, New York City Comptroller WILLIAM C. THOMPSON, fellow Young Dems Montgomery County Chair BETHANY SCHUMANN-MCGEE and Majority Leader Erie County Legislator MARIA WHYTE for your participation.

And lastly, thank you to my fellow young democrats in putting your confidence in the new leadership, as we look towards bringing the New York State Young Democrats to the next level.

Here’s a list of our new leadership for the 2006-2008 term below:


President – FRIEDA MENOS (Kings County)
Executive Vice President – BRIAN SWITZER (New York County)
Central Vice President – LAURA TURNBLOM (Albany County)
Downstate Vice President – STEPHANIE HAUSNER (Rockland County)
Western Vice President – PAUL HENDERSON (Erie County)
Treasurer – KEVIN CANECO (Richmond County)
Communications Director – UDAI TAMBAR (Queens County)
Finance Director – ANGEL AUDIFFRED (Bronx County)
Secretary – JULIENNE VERDI (Richmond County)
National Committeeman – JOE MCNEARNEY (New York County)
National Committeewoman – BONNIE DUEN (Queens County)

In the coming weeks we will be rolling out some exciting events for the Summer and details on our Fall meeting.

Truly yours,

New York State Young Democrats