We had an amazing weekend for the YDA 2018 Winter National Committee Meeting. Held at The City College of New York in Harlem, the cradle of the black renaissance, young Democrats from all over the country came together to demand change and ride the Blue Wave that is coming in 2018. From the Women’s March to partying it up at LGBTQ+ beacon of resistance, Stonewall Inn, we said hell no to this administration at every turn. This weekend also reminds us that our work as true allies is far from over. Even we Democrats can do better by our people of color, our LGBTQ+ siblings, and our women.
Elizabeth Williams-Riley from the American Conference on Diversity, host of our Make it About Race panel said, “Intent doesn’t equal impact.” In its simplicity, this powerful statement epitomizes how we can do better to support our marginalized communities. We must continue to fight against systems that are so deeply ingrained in our society and say, no, that doesn’t work for me. We must challenge our own inclinations to take the easy road, and then follow-through with action. Words are easy, actions are hard! As we move forward in 2018, we look forward to putting our money where our mouth is, as we take on this administration.
Thank you to my amazing team, Vice President Lauren Bailey, Treasurer Stephanie Campanha Wheaton, Secretary Justin Westbrook-Lowery, National Committeeman Tazbir Alam, National Committeewoman Stacey Eliuk, and my Chief of Staff Seamus Campbell for their late nights and hard work to make this possible. A special thank you to the Manhattan Young Democrats President Malik Wright and Vice President Henri Metivier and their team for hosting and helping make this meeting such a huge success.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t nod to our sponsors that believed in our mission and supported us this weekend. So thank you to the following sponsors: New York State Democratic Party, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, DNC Vice Chair Assemblymember Michael Blake, Assemblymember Jamel C. Holley, Kings County Democratic Chairman Frank Seddio, Manhattan Young Democrats, Queens County Young Democrats, New Jersey Young Democrats, Connecticut Young Democrats, NYC & Company, and Pizzuti Strategic Associates.
To a year of resistance!