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Join us May 5-7, 2017 in Dutchess County, New York as we meet for training, networking, electing officers and continuing to build the future of the New York State Young Democrats. This document is the official Call to Convention for the 2017 State Convention.

Convention Officers

The 2017 Convention Chair is Andrew Goldston. The 2017 Convention Rules Committee Chair and Parliamentarian is Dusan Lakic. Other convention officers shall be named at a later date.

Chartering or Re-chartering

Re-chartering packets will be distributed and made available electronically on or before February 1, 2017, and will be due for submission by electronic mail by no later than 11:59:59 PM EST on March 17, 2017. Each Chapter must submit a roster listing all members and required data in accordance with Article II Section 1.1 and Article III, Section 5 of the NYSYD Constitution.  A spreadsheet template will be provided online. The Chartering fee is $65.00 plus 0.50 cents per member in accordance with Article IV, Section 1. The deadline for the chartering fee and certification from county chairs to be submitted is April 6, 2017.

Delegates to Convention

Re-chartered and Newly Chartered Chapters must submit their preliminary list of Delegates to the Credentials Chair at the following e-mail address: by no later than 11:59:59 PM EST on or before March 17, 2017. Amendments can be made to delegate lists until 11:59:59 PM EST on  May 1, 2017. Each chartered or re-chartered County Chapter shall receive one (1) delegate for every ten (10) members of the Chartered Chapter who are residents of the county in which the chapter is located as set forth in Article III, Section 6 of the Constitution. Delegates and Alternate Delegates must be members in good standing of the chapter they represent in accordance with Article III, Section 3 of our Constitution. Proxies are permitted, and individuals may be empowered to act as proxies on behalf of delegates, so long as such individual’s name is submitted to the Secretary prior to the commencement of voting. No one person may hold more than 3 proxies, in accordance with Article III, Section 4 of our Constitution. All delegations are subject to the provisions of Article III, Section 6.1 of our Constitution. The Credentials Committee shall submit their final pre-convention report of eligible delegates and alternates by April 22, 2017.

New York State Young Democrats Executive Board Positions

All members of the New York State Young Democrats are invited to consider running for an Officer position on the State Executive board. Applications will be collected via Google Form. The link for applications will be distributed on February 1, 2017 by electronic mail as well as our website and social media pages. Applications are due by 11:59:59 PM EST on April 1, 2017. All applications will be automatically time stamped.

Pursuant to the constitution and bylaws, positions you may consider running for are:

President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, Regional Vice President (Capital, Central, Downstate, Hudson Valley, Upstate, and Western), and Legal Director (must be an attorney licensed to practice in the State of New York).

In addition, the following caucuses will hold elections: Caucus of Color; Disability Issues; High School; Jewish; Labor; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT); Rural  (YDR); and Women. Only members of the aforementioned caucuses may vote in these elections.

Executive Board Election Procedures

All candidates must submit their applications via Google Form by 11:59:59 PM EST on or before April 1, 2017. All Candidates shall have an opportunity to address the convention and answer any questions delegates may have prior to their election. All elections must be conducted by roll call vote by County name in alphabetical order alternating between ascending and descending order. Each candidate may only run for one position. In an election for a position involving one candidate, one must receive a majority of the votes cast otherwise the position will remain vacant. In an election for two candidates one candidate must receive a majority of votes cast, a failure for either candidate to achieve a majority will result in a further round of debate and voting until a majority is reached. In an election for a position involving more than two candidates, one candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast, and if no candidate received a majority then the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be dropped from the ballot and the election run again with the remaining candidates until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.

Write-in votes will not be accepted.  Nominations from the floor will not be accepted unless there is an Amendment to the Constitution on that day and only for a position that was newly created or for which the nominee was not previously eligible for candidacy. Following the conclusion of elections, the newly elected officers will assume their positions. In the event of a vacancy after the application due date or following elections, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with our Constitution and By-laws.  A motion to suspend the rules shall be in order upon the affirmation of 2/3rds of the appointed delegates.

Special Executive Board Election Procedures

Each region elects a Regional Vice President pursuant to the Constitution, Article III Section 3. Only individuals who are registered voters in the region shall be eligible to run for a Regional Vice President position. The elections for Regional Vice Presidents will occur in a manner and time identical to all other Executive Board positions, except only votes from the respective region will be counted for each regional election.

Constitutional Amendment Procedures

Any proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted electronically to the Rules Chair Dusan Lakic at Any proposed amendments to the Constitution must be received by 11:59:59 pm EST on or before April 22, 2017. All proponents for a Constitutional Amendment shall be entitled to be heard by the Convention Rules Committee. Proposed amendments to the constitution must both articulate the specific provisions amended and the rationale for the amendment.

Agenda and Programming

The agenda and program of the Convention will be determined by the Convention Programs committee, pursuant to the NYSYD Bylaws Article V.

Key Dates

February 1, 2017

  • Re-chartering Packets Distributed Electronically
  • Executive Board Election Applications Open

March 17, 2017

  • Re-chartering Packets Due
  • Proposed Delegate Lists Due

April 6, 2017

  • Chartering Fees Due
  • Certification from Democratic County Chair Due

April 22, 2017

  • Final Pre-Convention Credentials Report Due
  • Constitution and Bylaws Amendments Due

May 1, 2017

  • Amended Delegate Lists Due

We look forward to seeing you in May and ensuring the future of our organization.