CONCERNING: Comprehensive Health Care Reform
WHEREAS, the New York State Young Democrats believe all Americans, regardless of life station or social position, have a right to high quality, affordable Health Care; and,
WHEREAS, one in six or 45 million Americans are currently uninsured and another 20 million are underinsured, which places and expensive burden upon the nation’s emergency services and proliferates contagious diseases; and,
WHEREAS, young people aged 18-29 comprise the largest uninsured group in the United States, with nearly a third living without Health Coverage; and
WHEREAS, Health care costs have increased 85% in the last ten years, with the expectation of exponential increases in years to come, forcing as many as 72 million Americans onto the roles of the uninsured by 2040; and,
WHEREAS, the increasing costs of Health Care will lower the take home wages of Americans by nearly $25,000 in 2040, detrimentally impacting the United States’ Gross Domestic Product and saddling future generations with insurmountable national debt; and,
WHEREAS, the Obama-Biden Health Care proposal seeks to expand coverage, improve quality, lower costs, expand preventative care, and promote innovation and advancement in medical technologies, at an affordable cost to America; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, the New York State Young Democrats and its members actively recommend and encourage the passage of President Obama’s Health Care plan to the members of the 111th Congress; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, New York State Young Democrats officially and publicly add its name to the growing list of progressive organizations which support the Presidents Health Care plan.