Save the date for QCYD‘s annual holiday party!
December 19th, 2016 | 7:00 P.M.
2 Hour Open Bar + Apps
Ticket cost goes towards dues for the 2017 year
Information on February 2016 Elections
We will have elections for the QCYD Executive Board in February 2016. The date is to be determined. All positions other than President and Executive Vice President are up for election. If you have any questions about QCYD elections, please contact QCYD President Stacey Eliuk at
In order to run for office OR vote in the election, you must:
1. Have paid your dues for 2016 membership no later than the day before the election;
2. Have attended at least TWO QCYD meetings/events since the November Post-Election Meeting;
3. Submit a statement of candidacy. More information will be announced as we come closer to the elections.
For more information, please visit