Article I: Name
The name of the organization is the New York State Young Democrats Women’s Caucus (NYSYDWC).
Article II: Mission of the NYSYDWC
- To promote the interests of the NYSYDWC in New York- to support Women’s Caucuses in all State Counties with a New York State Young Democrats chapter. Chartered chapters’ Women’s Caucuses shall work side by side with the local chapter to achieve the goal of recruiting, training and electing women candidates, and creating mentorship opportunities for chapter members.
- To use an intersectional framework to assure that discussion of women’s issues isn’t siloed away from the impacts of race, gender, class, or other lived experience.
- To achieve more equitable representation in elected Democratic office, the NYSYDWC encourages democratic young women to run for and be elected to public office.
- To assist and support the New York State Young Democrats.
- To support the development of women’s caucuses in all New York State Young Democrats Chapters.
- To create and sustain a mentorship program for caucus members.
- To engage in other activities to carry out the mission of the NYSYDWC
Article III: Membership
- The NYSYDWC is open and inclusive of any NYSYD chapter member identifying as a woman, agender, intersex, bigender, or non-binary person who supports the NYSYDWC mission.
- For purposes of caucus voting at the bi-annual NYSYD convention, individuals will have self-selected as a member of the NYSYDWC upon registration.
Article IV: State Officers
The officers of the NYSYDWC are: Caucus Chair, Deputy Chair, Director of Chapter Outreach, Communications Director, Development Chair, and Student Liaison.
Article V: Duties of the Caucus Officers
- The Caucus Officers shall provide the leadership to accomplish the mission and purpose of the NYSYDWC.
- The Caucus Chair will attend all NYSYD Board meetings, as required; fulfill all other obligations as a NYSYD officer, including outreach and promotion of the NYSYDWC; and appoint the Deputy Chair, Director of Chapter Outreach, Communications Director, Development Chair, and Student Liaison.
- The Deputy Chair will recruit, promote, and maintain a database of potential mentors and mentees, for a sustainable mentorship program, and support Caucus Work on social networking.
- The Director of Chapter Outreach will work directly with Chapter Presidents on the creation and maintenance of a County Chapter’s Women’s Caucus, and Caucus fundraising.
- The Communications Director directly with the officers to generate social media posts, NYSYDWC updates for the periodic newsletters, and drafting talking points in conjunction with NYSYD communications team, as needed.
- The Development Director will work directly with Caucus Chair, and Deputy Chair on events, call time, and all aspects of caucus fundraising. They will submit a fundraising plan within 45 days of their appointment to the Caucus Chair, and NYSYD President.
- The Student Liaison will work with the High School Caucus Chair and College Democrats of NY officers to help promote Women’s Caucuses in student YDA clubs.
- The Chair shall appoint or fill Officer vacancies, as needed.
Article VI: Voting
- The NYSYDWC shall meet at least once every two years- at the NYSYD Convention.
- All members shall be entitled to one vote.
- Amendments to the bylaws shall be carried by a two-thirds majority vote.
Rules and Guidelines
Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the New York State Young Democrats Women’s Caucus in all cases in which such rules are not in conflict with the laws of the State of New York, these bylaws and the Bylaws and Constitution of the New York State Young Democrats.
Article VII: Amendments
These bylaws will be made effective upon ratification of the New York State Young Democrats Executive Committee. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote by the Caucus Membership at the Women's Caucus Membership Meeting of the New York State Young Democrats Biennial Convention. All proposed edits to bylaws shall be submitted, in writing, to the NYSYDWC Chair at least fourteen (14 days) prior to the Membership Meeting.