Article I: Name.
The New York State Young Democrats Jewish Caucus exists to help Jewish young Democrats in New York State get involved in local politics, run for office, and empower our Jewish communities through activism.
Article II: Elections.
Section 1
The chair shall be elected at the Biannual New York State Young Democrats convention. The Chair’s duties consist of working with all members of the board to mobilize membership in statewide campaigns to achieve the goals of New York State Young Democrats in the Jewish counties..
Section 2
The Caucus Chair shall appoint all other officers. Vice chairs will be appointed until all regions have chartered chapters. At which point vice chairs shall be elected by county chapters in said region.
Article III: Officers and duties.
Section 1
The New York State Young Democrats Jewish Caucus shall consist of a chair, executive vice chair, communications director, and nine regional vice chairs.
Section 2
Chair: The Chair’s duties shall consist of working with all members of the board to organize new chapters, mobilize membership in statewide campaigns to achieve the goals of New York State Young Democrats.The chair shall represent the Caucus at all State and local Democratic Party functions and Young Democrats events. In order to run for this position one must be a registered democrat ages 18-35 in one of the Democratic Jewish Conference counties. The Caucus Chair will have the power to create and appoint special positions to achieve the goals of the caucus, as long as it does not impede the another aforementioned position.
Section 3
Executive Vice-Chair: The executive vice-chair shall work with the president to execute the goals of the New York State Young Democrats. The executive vice-chair shall represent the Caucus as well at all State and local Democratic Party functions and Young Democrats events. Should the chair be unable to attend such functions, the executive Vice-chair may fill this role.
Section 4
Communications Director: The Communications director shall be responsible for overseeing all communications working with the executive board of both the New York State Young Democrats and the New York State Young Democrats Jewish Caucus. The director will also be in charge of maintaining the Caucus’s social media presence.