New York State Young Democrats Biennial Convention
May 22-23 2010
Join us in New York City this May 22 and 23rd as we meet along side the New York State Democratic Committee for training, networking, elections and to help determine the future of Young Democrats, Congress and ultimately, our Nation. Further details will become available as they are released by the New York State Democratic Committee.
Chartering and Rechartering:
Rechartering packets will be distributed and made available over the Internet on or after February 1, 2010 and due by 11:59PM on April 23, 2010. Each Chapter must submit these packets by registered mail postmarked by the due date with a roster listing of all members including: name, residence and/or voter registration address, date of birth, and optionally phone number and electronic mail address in accordance with Article III, Section 5 of our Constitution. Anyone interested in starting a chapter or serving on the credentials committee should contact the Chair Michael Gilberg at
Delegates to Convention:
Rechartered and Newly Chartered Chapters must submit their list of Delegates to the Credentials Committee Chair at, by 11:59PM on April 23, 2010. Each chartered or rechartered County Chapter shall receive two (2) delegates for the initial 25 members required for chartering, plus one more delegate per additional 10 registered County Chapter members, in accordance with Article III, Section 6 of our Constitution. The Chartering fee is $65 plus 50 cents per member, so that the minimum fee for the 25 required members is $77.50, in accordance with Article IV, Section 1. In determining the number of Delegates and Alternates the Credentials Committee shall only count the number of members submitted for registration who reside in the County for which they are a member of a Chapter. Delegate and Alternates must be members in good standing of the club they represent and residents of the County in which their club is located, in accordance with Article III, Section 3 of our Constitution. The Delegate lists must include names, gender, date of birth, electronic mail address, residence addresses, voter registration address and their status as Delegate or Alternate. Proxies are permitted but must be submitted to the Secretary prior to voting, and no one person may hold more than 3 proxies, in accordance with Article III, Section 4 of our Constitution.
New York State State Young Democrats Executive Board Elections:
We call upon our Young Democrat leaders throughout New York who are currently leading their own chapters or are serving on political campaigns or in government positions with distinction to consider joining the New York State Young Democrats Executive Board. Applications will be distributed on or before March 15, 2010 by electronic mail as well as on our website and are due by 11:59PM on April 23, 2010 Credentials Committee Chair Michael Gilberg at
Positions you may consider running for are:
Executives: President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Legal Director.*
Regional Vice Presidents: Downstate Vice President, Capital Vice President, Upstate Vice President, Central Vice President, and Western Vice President.
National Committee: National Committeeman and National Committeewoman.
Caucuses: Caucus of Color; Disability Issues; Jewish; Labor; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender ( LGBT ); Rural Conference (YDRC); and Women.**
Committees: Communications and Finance.
*Please note that the Legal Director is a non-voting member of the Executive Board and must be an attorney in good standing admitted to practice in the State of New York.
**Please note that the Caucus Chairs are elected by the membership of their respective Caucuses.
Election Procedures:
The following rules shall be used for the conduct of the New York State Young Democrats Elections. The Constitution and By-Laws are available on the NYSYD website and all amendments must be received by 11:59PM on April 23, 2010 by Credentials Committee Chair Michael Gilberg at
To be eligible to apply all candidates must be registered Democrats of at least 16 years of age who have not yet reached the age of 34. All candidates must submit their applications by 11:59PM on April 23, 2010 to Credentials Committee Chair at . All Candidates and Amendments shall have an opportunity to be heard and debated upon prior to their election. All elections must be conducted by roll call vote by County name in alphabetical order alternating between ascending and descending order. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be voted upon prior to candidates for the New York Young Democrats Executive Board. Each candidate may only run for one position. In an election for a position involving one propositions or candidate, one must receive a majority of the votes cast otherwise the proposition will fail or the position will remain vacant. In an election for two candidates one candidate must receive a majority of votes cast, a failure for either candidate to achieve a majority will result, in a further round of debate and voting until a majority is reached. In an election for a position involving more than two candidates the election shall be conducted as an instant runoff vote, where each candidate shall be ranked by the voters. Write-in votes will not be accepted. Nominations from the floor will not be accepted unless there is an Amendment to the Constitution on that day and the nomination is from a Delegate and then only for a position that was newly created or for which the nominee was not previously eligible for candidacy. Following the conclusion of elections, the newly elected officers will assume their positions. In the event of a vacancy after the application due date or following elections, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with our Constitution and By-laws.
Convention Details:
The State Committee will have a block of rooms at the location of the convention and NYSYD will be organizing hosts for attendees. If you are interested in a hotel room, staying with another Young Democrat or would like to host other Young Democrats who are attending the convention please contact Convention Planning Committee Chair Michael Corbett at
The State Committee and NYSYD will need volunteers throughout the convention, to assist with everything from organizing delegates, troubleshooting, staffing sign-in tables and checking delegate credentials. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Convention Planning Committee Chair Michael Corbett at Registration fees will be waived for non-delegate registrants who volunteer enough hours. Be sure to indicate availability, electronic mail address, and a mobile phone number.
If you have ideas for speakers or entertainment or any matter regarding scheduling at the convention or convention related events, please contact Convention Planning Committee Chair Michael Corbett at
The NYSYD convention is open to registered Democrats from all over our State and Country. If you are not a delegate or alternate and wish to attend you may reserve your registration for the convention by contacting Convention Planning Committee Chair Michael Corbett at
Key Dates:
All Items Are Due by 11:59PM on the Applicable Date and Must Be Registered Mail Postmarked or Submitted to Credentials Committee Chair at
February 1, 2010
-Chartering Packets Available
March 15, 2010
-Candidate Applications Available
April 23, 2010
-Amendments Due
-Candidates Applications Due
-Chartering Packets (Registered Mail) Due
-Delegate Lists
We look forward to seeing you in May.
Democratically Yours,
New York State Young Democrats
Proposed Election Application Draft for Circulation on March 15, 2010:
2010 New York State Young Democrats Applications:
Due 11:59PM on April 23, 2010
First Name:
Last Name:
Birth Date:
Email Address:
Residential Address:
Voter Registration Address (if not the same as above):
Are you registered Democrat in New York State?
1. Position Sought:
2. Please list all of the National, New York State or local county Young Democrat events that you have attended in the past year.
3. What relevant experiences would you be able to draw from, and what strengths would you, given your particular background, bring to position you are running for?
4a. Why are you seeking this position?
4b. What is your vision for the New York State Young Democrats in the coming two years?
4c. Give some concrete examples of initiatives within your position you would undertake if elected.
5. Serving on the New York State Young Democrats Executive Board is a significant time commitment.
How committed will you be as an Executive Board member:
5a. Please list any relevant past leadership positions.
5b. Please list all current leadership positions.
5c. How would you be able to fit your leadership responsibilities within your current schedule and given your current commitments?
6. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony? If yes, please explain.